


Papers must describe original, completed/ in progress and unpublished work. Each submission  will be reviewed by three program committee members. Papers should be formatted according to the EACL 2024 requirements, which is provided on the website. Please submit papers in PDF format. 

At DravidianLangTech we accept the following submission types:

The main body includes text, figures and tables. All submissiоns are made electronically as PDF files.

Supplementary material: Additional material that is relevant to the reviewers may be submitted but not as an integral part of the paper. There are two such types of material: appendices, which can be read, and non-readable supplementary materials, data or code. Additional material must be submitted as separate files, and must adhere to the same anonymity guidelines as the main paper. Appendices should be no longer than 2 pages.The paper must be self-contained: it is optional for reviewers to look at the supplementary material. It can be uploaded as up to three separate files: a single appendix file in PDF format, a single .tgz or .zip archive containing software, and/or a single .tgz or .zip archive containing data.

The reviewing process will be blind, except for the demo submissions. The papers must not include the authors’ names and affiliations, neither self-references that reveal the authors’ identity. Please avoid “We previously proved (James, 2023) …”, and use instead citations such as “James previously proved (James 2023)…”. Papers that do not conform with these requirements will be rejected without review.

Presentation Mode:

Long and short papers will be presented orally or as posters, as determined by the programme committee based on the nature rather than the quality of the work. While short papers will be distinguished from long papers in the proceedings, there will be no distinction in the proceedings between papers presented orally and as posters. Papers accepted to the Findings of the ACL may present a poster.

Presentation Requirements:

All accepted papers must be presented at the conference—either online or in-person—in order to appear in the proceedings. Authors of papers accepted for presentation at EACL 2024 must notify the program chairs by the withdrawal deadline if they wish to withdraw the paper. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for EACL 2024 by the early registration deadline.

Paper Submission and Anonymity:

Following standard ACL and ARR policy, submitted papers must be prepared for two-way anonymized review, and no deanonymized preprint may be posted in the month prior to submission. Please see the ARR CfP for more detail. 

Policies on Authorship, Citation and Ethics:

EACL 2024 follows the ARR policies on authorship, citation and comparison and ethics - please see the ARR CfP. 

Multiple Submission

Policy EACL 2024 follows the ARR policy on multiple submission: we will not consider any paper that is under review in a journal or another conference at the time of submission, and submitted papers must not be submitted elsewhere during the review period.

Mandatory Discussion of Limitations 

We believe that it is also important to discuss the limitations of your work, in addition to its strengths. Following EACL 2023, EACL 2024 requires all papers to have a clear discussion of limitations, in a dedicated section titled “Limitations”. This section will appear at the end of the paper, after the discussion/conclusions section and before the references, and will not count towards the page limit. Papers without a limitations section will be automatically rejected without review. Papers resubmitted from previous ARR review rounds that did not include a limitations section must ensure that such a section is included in the EACL 2024 version. While we are open to different types of limitations, just mentioning that a set of results have been shown for English only probably does not reflect what we expect. Mentioning that the method works mostly for languages with limited morphology, like English, is a much better alternative. In addition, limitations such as low scalability to long text, the requirement of large GPU resources, or other things that inspire further investigation are welcome.

Paper Submission and Templates

Submission is electronic, using the platform. All long, short, and theme papers must follow the ACL Author Guidelines. Here are the paper submission form fields for your reference.

Paper submissions must use the official ACL style templates, which are available here (Latex and Word). Please follow the paper formatting guidelines general to “*ACL” conferences available here. Authors may not modify these style files or use templates designed for other conferences.

Submissions that do not conform to the required styles, including paper size, margin width, and font size restrictions, will be rejected without review.

Here is the current version of the review form, and here is the current version of the action editor meta-review form. These forms will be re-assessed and updated periodically.

AI Writing Assistance Policy

ARR has adopted the ACL 2023 Policy on AI Writing Assistance. The policy introduces a new item in the responsible research checklist, where authors disclose use of AI assistance. Common cases that should / should not be disclosed are:

Uses that do not need to be disclosed:

Uses that need to be disclosed:

In all cases, authors are responsible for the correctness of their methods, results, and writing. Authors should check for potential plagiarism, both of text and code.

For electronic submission of all papers, please use: