Literature Review

Here i am present the answer which i have written when i came to Department of English first time. The point of view about that what is literature? i give that answer as per my understanding.

After given that answer i have studied two years of M.A. In department of English. When i give this answer i passing through narrow understanding about the literature. But after studied two years of M.A. in Department of English, now my thinking process becomes broad. The knowledge flourished in my mind and also in my way of thinking. There is the huge difference between the U.G and P.G studies. Under Graduate it is only the medium through which we only know about the literature, but P.G is the ocean of the knowledge about literature. It also shaped the person in different ways. Uneducated people think in a different way and educated people think different. So, literature or education gives some shape to the humans or readers, so they become intelligent than what really they are.

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