Sinar Grainpro moisture meter

moisture meter

Latest double pins type grain moisture meter suppliers in Uganda

The regular model of TG pro moisture meter has a list with 30 grain species (as detailed below). However, if required by the client, we can load more species before delivering the device. If the list does not feature a species you are looking for, please. TwistGrain Pro will accommodate up to 400 species.

All available calibrations can be found in the “Available species” bookmark.

The TG Pro display allows you to conveniently read the full name of a given species without any abbreviations or symbols (the long name scrolls automatically on the display).

moisture meters

agricultural moisture meters Accurate Uganda

There are different kinds of moisture meters, each with its own principle of operation and underlying technologies.

Probe-type moisture meters like the GrainMate Grain Moisture Meter use a sensor to measure the temperature and humidity of the grains. It also comes along with special mathematical models to tell the equilibrium moisture content (EMC) in a grain sample.


moisture meter

Popular digital grain moisture content meters Kampala

Finally, for poultry farmers and feed producers, the high moisture content in grains can affect the quality of your feed and ultimately the productivity of your birds.

While there are ingenious ways to estimate the moisture content in grains, the best way is to use a grain moisture meter. As it offers precise and accurate measurements, letting you know whether your grains are dry enough or if they should be dried some more. Ingenious ways like biting the kernel or tossing a handful of grains to listen for the sound they make do not offer such benefits.

moisture meter

Electronic portable coffee moisture meters cup type Kampala

For farmers, the high moisture content in grains could cause you to lose a big chunk of your harvest – which in itself is a scary thought. Also for commodity traders, many buyers require you to meet certain moisture content standards before they will accept your grain. In addition, many buyers want the moisture content of corn to remain below 13% otherwise they will not buy. Finally, for poultry farmers and feed producers, the high moisture content in grains can affect the quality of your feed and ultimately the productivity of your birds.

moisture meters

Digital moisture tester for over 25 grain species Uganda

Grain moisture meters are tools that help you measure the moisture content in different grains, before, during, and after harvest. Measuring the moisture content of your grains helps you know whether your grains are dry enough. Knowing the moisture content of your grains is important because the high moisture content in grains leads to mold growth and aflatoxin contamination which destroy grains.

moisture meter

Electronic grain moisture meter at discount price from supplier shop Kampala

Farmpoint moisture meter is factory-calibrated for every crop, using the official methods of measuring moisture content as compiled by ISTA (International Seed Testing Association). The calibration scales are compiled using samples of crops grown in normal conditions. Differing growth factors between years and varieties can have an effect on the electrical characteristics of the crop. It can therefore be necessary to occasionally recalibrate the meter.

moisture meters for sale Kampala Uganda

The changing nature of grain when harvested or dried makes average readings a significant advantage. Freshly harvested grain often has greater variability compared to grain stored for some time. Errors are frequently ±0.5% and can be bigger in very wet, very dry or freshly harvested grain.
The Farmpoint moisture meter can be used to quickly make several separate measurements. Four to five readings will automatically be used to calculate a reliable average value. By using average and calibration adjustment the accuracy can be better than ±0.5%, in the normal moisture range.

moisture meters

Agricultural grain and seeds moisture meter shop Kampala

The Farmpoint moisture meter measures the conductivity and temperature of a grain sample. The exact moisture value is calculated by means of an advanced measurement technique, developed through many years of hands-on experience.
The compression and automatic temperature compensation features, ensure high reliability of the Farmpoint moisture meter for moisture management of grain in the field, during the drying process and in storage.

moisture meters

Best moisture meter for grains agribusiness Uganda

Effective grain storage is essential to maintain crop quality and prevent losses. Reliable moisture management is vital to ensure an optimal storage environment.
Farmpoint moisture meter is the original whole grain moisture meter that operates using high frequency measurement, compression of the sample and automatic temperature compensation, for more reliable results.

The failproof design makes it easy to test the grain whenever and wherever.

moisture meter

Portable modern farm moisture meters for sale Wandegeya Uganda

The Farmpoint moisture meter is the original Supertech product designed to measure the moisture level of grain and seeds. It provides essential assistance in the field when determining the best time for harvesting and is also used for regular moisture measurement during the drying process and in storage.
If grain is harvested wetter than necessary, the consequences are not only extra drying costs but also a significantly increased risk of quality loss and spoilage.