Drama for Learning

A collection of resources created by kaiako and shared at our workshops


Drama for Learning - what is it? 

Viv Aitken (Tātai Angitu E3 @ Massey University Palmerston North). Cluster meetings 2021-2

'Enact a Statue' key from Try This by Tim Taylor and Viv Aitken.pdf

Enact a Statue key from Try This: Unlocking Learning with Imagination byTim Taylor & Viv Aitken.

 Presented by Warren & Virginia Warbrick and Viv Aitken. Ka Mua ka muri DI Symposium, October 2022

A collection of picture books for use with Dramatic Inquiry

A collection of (mostly) picure books for use with Dramatic Inquiry by Viv Aitken and others

uploaded October 2023