Stage 1

The basics

It's important to understand some of the basics about how to access and navigate through UCI Libraries resources before moving further into the monologue research process. Stage 1 will cover this foundational information to make sure we're all set up for a successful research trip.

Let's begin at the UCI Libraries web page. To find it, just google "UCI Libraries" or click on this link (then save it as one of your fave bookmarks because I know you'll want to explore and use this all the time).

Your first goal is to make sure that you can successfully access all of our resources when you're off campus (this is especially important right now with our need for online learning!). You'll need to download, install, configure, AND turn on a VPN (virtual private network) program to your device. That sounds like there's a lot to do, but trust me, it's easy. All of the information you need to do this is here (including links to download). A few hints that should help you based on helping students with this program for years:

  • Make sure you're configuring the program to connect to

  • Choose the "UCIFull" group from the drop-down menu

  • Remember that you need to turn this on when you want to access our resources! Simply having it loaded on your computer is only half the battle. To login, you'll need to open the program and enter your UCINet ID info (what you use for your UCI email).

Your next goal will be to find and explore the Drama Research Guide. This page is intended as the first step in doing research in the field of Drama. It has links to all of the major databases provided by UCI Libraries on this topic, as well as many other online (and a few physical) resources that are helpful. Looking for online plays? You've got it. Need some inspiration to help with your costume design? It's here. Want to watch some great professional production? Yeah. That too.

See the pic to the left for a HELPFUL HINT to find the Drama Research Guide from the UCI Libraries home page.

Use the Drama Research Guide to answer the following questions.

You've got it! On to Stage 2!