Dr. Allison Cardamone, PT, DPT

Staff Physical Therapist

Specialty Areas: Vestibular, Adolescent Sports Medicine

Dr. Allison Cardamone is from Downingtown PA and graduated from the Temple University with her Doctorate in Physical Therapy. “Growing up I always had an interest in medicine and was always passionate about watching and playing sports. PT was the perfect combination of both!”

Dr. Cardamone has unique experience working with veterans, following her clinical rotation with the VA healthcare system in BayPines Florida. “Being able to give back to the veterans who served our country is something I will never forget and will always hold close to my heart.”

Since starting her career, Dr. Cardamone has become passionate about working with dancers of all levels. Growing up as a dancer, she has unique perspectives on dancing injuries and looks forward to growing in this niche area.

In her free time, Dr. Cardamone likes to workout, run, read, do puzzles, explore new music and watch Philadelphia Sports!

Kinetic Physical Therapy - Chester Springs Staff

Dr. Bridson Wallace

Dr. Nicole Finn

Dr. William Wilcox

Dr. Jared Bonacquisti

Clinic Director

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Phone: 610-424-1100

Why Kinetic?

If you are considering physical therapy, something is motivating you. You may be experiencing pain, dealing with an acute injury, or recovering from surgery. But is that really your whole story? At Kinetic, our focus is that thing that's motivating YOU. We call that YOUR IT, and we want to help YOU get back to IT.

What We Do

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