Dr.Aishwarya Gopalakrishnan


Teaching gives Dr.Aishwarya an immense sense of satisfaction, a feeling of accomplishment, of being able to do something very important by sharing views her views with students. She believes, there are so many new things to learn from them each day.

Dr.Aishwarya is an avid reader, she also writes a lot of articles, blogs and creates meaningful content that helps engage the target audience.

"You can teach a student a lesson for a day but if you teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives."​

Michelangelo believed that the form of his famous sculpture “David” was already imprisoned in the stone and only needed to be discovered by the artist by taking away what was not needed, to free the form.

Just like the life of a successful person in the making, who realizing the ability in himself, hones his skills to achieve the dreams he believes in.

She believes one shouldn't live just for the sake of living but live for a purpose higher than oneself.

You can connect with me via email on :



Linkedin : https://in.linkedin.com/in/dr-aishwarya-gopalakrishnan-ph-d-45386147