
As an educator in the field of Mechanical Engineering, my aim is to cultivate a classroom environment where students can flourish and realize their full potential. Central to this objective is providing them with access to cutting-edge scientific and engineering knowledge, empowering them to enhance their skills and stay abreast of modern advancements.

With a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, awarded in 2019, my doctoral research was centered on the development of a predictive model for deepwater hydrocarbon production. This work delved into the complexities of predicting hydrate formation conditions in deep-sea environments, considering the interplay of thermodynamic properties and heat mass transfer effects on seabed conditions and pipeline hydrocarbon properties.

Drawing from this expertise, I have crafted a research program tailored for undergraduate Mechanical Engineering students, specifically designed as a final year project. This program offers students the opportunity to engage in practical, real-world research, exploring optimization algorithms for predicting hydrate formation conditions—a topic of significance in the field.

Throughout my academic journey, I have not only conducted research but also actively engaged in teaching and mentorship. I have led tutorials and demonstrations covering a wide spectrum of subjects including control systems, facility engineering, thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer, HVAC systems, maintenance engineering, and fluid mechanics. My goal has been to impart not only theoretical knowledge but also practical insights garnered from eight years of professional experience as an engineer.

By combining theoretical foundations with practical applications and real-time research findings, I strive to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the ever-evolving field of Mechanical Engineering. Through collaborative projects, hands-on demonstrations, and personalized guidance, I aim to foster an environment where students are not only learners but also active contributors to the advancement of engineering knowledge and innovation.

As an instructor for Bachelor of Engineering students in Mechanical Engineering, I deliver comprehensive lectures covering a range of fundamental subjects essential to their academic and professional development. These include:

As an educator for postgraduate students pursuing a Master of Engineering in Industrial Engineering Management, I facilitate advanced coursework tailored to their specialized field. This includes:

In both undergraduate and postgraduate settings, my teaching approach integrates theoretical concepts with practical applications, fostering critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a holistic understanding of engineering principles. Through engaging lectures, interactive discussions, and real-world examples, I aim to inspire students to become innovative leaders in their respective fields of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering Management.