Frequently Asked Questions

Q: The cereal turns (Blue, Red, Brown, Purple) is that normal?

A: Of course it is! It's just the coloring of the crunchy bites that make that color!

Q: Why do I feel lightheaded when I eat the cereal?

A: Possibly that's you! Not the cereal!

Q: Are the rumors that "this cereal brainwashes you" true?

A: They are most definitely not true; all the contents of the cereal are in every box. All those rumors are false. We are not brainwashing people; never say this again.

Q: Why is this problem occuring?

A: Head to the ONLINE SUPPORT in the Contact Us page

Q: Why is this problem occuring?


Q: Why is this problem occuring?


Q: Why is this still happening


Q: Why


Q: Why
