Princess the Cat



Sex: Female

Eye Colour: Green

Date of Birth: January 2017

Owners: Alexia Smith

Colour: Black and white

Breed: Tuxedo

Address: 442 Mirror Park


About Princess

Princess is a she cat who currently doesn't have an owner. She's gone through 3 different owners but none of them stuck. Every single time Princess thought she got a forever home. It wasn't meant to be. She has a boyfriend cat who goes by the name of Prince. He's a ginger/orange tabby cat. She travels around Los Santos along side him causing mischief where ever she goes. Princess has always had a soft heart for meeting others on her travels with her male. She's spayed, she's unable to have kittens but she will adopt a kitten if they need help on the streets. Who knows if Princess will find a forever home that will come along in the future.
