Dragonfly is a speech recognition framework for Python that makes itconvenient to create custom commands to use with speech recognitionsoftware. It was written to make it very easy for Python macros, scripts,and applications to interface with speech recognition engines. Its designallows speech commands and grammar objects to be treated as first-classPython objects.

Dragonfly can be used for general programming by voice. It is flexibleenough to allow programming in any language, not just Python. It can also beused for speech-enabling applications, automating computer activitiesand dictating prose.

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Dragonfly contains its own powerful framework for defining and executingactions. It includes actions for text input and key-stroke simulation. Thisframework is cross-platform, working on Windows, macOS and Linux (X11 only).See the actions sub-package documentation for moreinformation, including code examples.

I have always been a good writer, and am able to easily express my ideas. I do find spelling challenging however, and sometimes I have found that writing ideas can take longer than just saying them. In fact the way I process often is through what I hear myself say. So then, the process of hearing my own speech, in other words talking about something, is a huge part of my processing and a link to my own cognition.

I remember how much fun I had trying to get speech software to understand me not that many years ago. I gave up on that. My older tablet had handwriting recognition software. The results were often amusing.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking (also known as Dragon for PC, or DNS)[1] is a speech recognition software package developed by Dragon Systems of Newton, Massachusetts, which was acquired in turn by Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products, Nuance Communications, and Microsoft. It runs on Windows personal computers. Version 15 (Professional Individual and Legal Individual),[2] which supports 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows 7, 8 and 10, was released in August 2016.[3][4]

Dragon NaturallySpeaking uses a minimal user interface. As an example, dictated words appear in a floating tooltip as they are spoken (though there is an option to suppress this display to increase speed), and when the speaker pauses, the program transcribes the words into the active window at the location of the cursor. (Dragon does not support dictating to background windows.) The software has three primary areas of functionality: voice recognition in dictation with speech transcribed as written text, recognition of spoken commands, and text-to-speech: speaking text content of a document. Voice profiles can be accessed by different computers in a networked environment, although the audio hardware and configuration must be identical to those of the machine generating the configuration. The Professional version allows creation of custom commands to control programs or functions not built into NaturallySpeaking.

Dr. James Baker laid out the description of a speech understanding system called DRAGON in 1975.[5] In 1982 he and Dr. Janet M. Baker, his wife, founded Dragon Systems to release products centered around their voice recognition prototype.[6] He was President of the company and she was CEO.

DragonDictate was first released for DOS, and utilized hidden Markov models, a probabilistic method for temporal pattern recognition. At the time, the hardware was not powerful enough to address the problem of word segmentation, and DragonDictate was unable to determine the boundaries of words during continuous speech input. Users were forced to enunciate one word at a time, clearly separated by a small pause after each word. DragonDictate was based on a trigram model, and is known as a discrete utterance speech recognition engine.[7]

As of 2012, LG Smart TVs included voice recognition feature powered by the same speech engine as Dragon NaturallySpeaking.[12] In 2014, following the discontinuation of DragonDictate for Mac, a product dating back to Nuance's 2010 purchase of MacSpeech Dictate, NaturallySpeaking gained Mac compatibility, though Mac support was later terminated in 2018.[13]

There is a workaround. If you are using the Chrome browser you can load the extension SpeechTexter or Speechnotes. They both allow very accurate speech to text, together with formatting shortcuts. Once you have dictated, select the created text, do a copy and paste it into Libre Office Writer. You need to be on the net to do this. Another alternative is to use the Google docs typing tool and open the created document n Libre Office.

I want to build an application with a Textbox that captures the voice transcription create by Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4 (DMPE4) in a Windows environment. By default DMPE4 will place the text of whatever is transcribed into the current location of the cursor. This means that if a user clicks somewhere else other than where they want their dictation then the speech will be transcribed into a different window (or worse if no text box is available what they dictate won't appear anywhere).

I want a WPF application with a textbox that will capture the text regardless of where the current cursor location is, it should instead place the transcribed text into the textbox where the cursor was last. As long as the application is open and the window with the textbox is active it should not be possible to transcribe text anywhere else. I still want to use the DMPE4 application and all of the other features of it I just want the transcribed text to go into a specific textbox.

DMPE4 has something similar called the Dictation Box, but in order to get the text from the Dictation Box to the location of where the text needs to be there are additional steps, I want the text to go directly into the Textbox of the new application.

However, if you just need to create a solution based on Dragon Medical's speech recognition, I'd start with their SDK, which can give speech recognition capabilities to any software: -developers/dragon-software-developer-kit.html

BRIEF: When speech recognition software occasionally inserts extra blank spaces at the beginning of lines that are being dictated into emacs fundamental or textmode, how can the bad stuff below be avoided in the 1st place, or fixed up most conveniently?

Dragon typically inserts one blank space between words, and 1 or 2 blank spaces before the next word after the end of the sentence, if Dragon thinks appropriate. E.g. if Dragon thinks you are in the same flow of text, not at the beginning of a paragraph or after a hard newline. This works for "speech-ready" applications that allow Dragon to determine the state or context of the dictation.

Unfortunately, EMACS is not speech aware. Dragon will infer that it is at the beginning of a line if Dragon has seen the user dictate "newline" or some other line ending utterance. But Dragon's notion of state or context will fall out of sync (a) if the user types a key, rather than going through Dragon, or (b) if the user executes an emacs command like goto-line or kill-line that Dragon, and (c) in similar circumstances.

Below I provide a probably too large example of some of the artifacts that occur when dictating into EMACS fundamental mode or text mode. Both in my default setup, but also with all emacs startup files disabled. With electric-indent-mode both on and off.

This is one of the of what will be several questions related to making emacs friendlier to speech recognition and voice control software. In particular Dragon speech recognition software from Nuance (now owned by Microsoft), because that is what I'm currently using, but I'm open to other speech recognition and voice control software packages.

If emacs could tell that a space character at the beginning of a live text was coming from the Dragon speech recognition software, elisp could do something about it. ... Probably by extra behavior in the key-binding for or advice added to space.

It might be possible to tell via timing: the speech recognition system emits the {space}blah-blah-blah with much tighter timing than humans can. But AFAIK Emacs does not make character arrival time available to elisp.

More background: most users of Dragon speech recognition, dictating into non-speech-aware/ready applications like emacs, go through a "dictation box". Dragon provides the default dictation box, but there are quite a few third-party dictation boxes such as DragonCapture or Speech Productivity Pro (who sells several in the same package).

Unfortunately, I don't have the source code. I don't know of any open source "dictation box" for Dragon. As far as I know the open source tools such as Talon and DragonFly that connect to Dragon via NatLink/Python plug-ins only handle speech commands, not dictation.

I write LaTeX documents by voice using Dragon NaturallySpeaking for speech recognition. It allows me to write much faster than if I had to type on a keyboard (~ 100 WPM vs. 50), I find that voice commands are easier to remember than keyboard shortcuts and in the long run it prevents from RSI.

I use a system based on NatLaTeX to dictate all of my formal mathematics, including anything in that I'm going to turn in for my coursework. Basically, NatLaTeX defines a speakable form of many common LaTeX commands, including everything you need for most mathematical expressions. Using a custom vocabulary in Dragon NaturallySpeaking, I can dictate a plain text file containing this NatLaTeX source. I then use scripts from the NatLaTeX project to transform my dictated text into actual LaTeX source, which I can then compile into nicely typeset mathematics using a standard LaTeX compiler. (Actually, I use a batch file to automate the process.) Just as a note, I have made several modifications to NatLaTeX in order to optimize it for mathematics (the original author was a physicist) and to adjust for changes in LaTeX. Feel free to contact me if you want a copy of the modified scripts. I do eventually intend to post them somewhere online, but I need to spend some time updating the documentation first (and that's really hard to justify spending time on it while I'm preparing for comprehensive exams!). 0852c4b9a8

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