Draftsight looks in your windows installed fonts to find any fonts it will consider vaild for use. In order to have a font available for use by draftsight, the font must be in TTF Format and must be installed into your windows system fonts folder.

If you have a .otf file, you should use a tool like -to-ttf to convert the file into .ttf file format. At that point, just open the file and hit "Install" in the top left. Windows will then install the font into it's system and draftsight will consider it valid.

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I had the same issue. Originally installed all the fonts using the windows font viewer in Windows 10 and rebooted. Fonts did not show up in DraftSight. I then copied all the fonts I wanted into the DraftSight Font Folder. Still didn't work. I then highlighted the fonts I wanted in the DraftSight Font folder did a right mouse click and selected "Install for all Users", the fonts were reinstalled into windows. Restarted DraftSight and all the fonts I was trying to install are now visible and usable. Hope this helps.

I'm trying to create a custom patch to upgrade all of our draftsight installations (a free CAD program). I've given up on actually figuring out applicability, and have just set it to Win XP or greater (same as prerequisite rule), thus making the update applicable to all our computers. The following "installed" logic works in detecting the manual installations already on our network: 









Other 3rd party updates work fine, this not a provisioning problem. I target the computers manually from an inventory report and just set an install time using update management rather than approving it, because I can't figure out applicability logic that works, and I don't want to approve it for all

computers. This worked for the last version of Draftsight (V1R2 - V9.0.189). 

With the current version (V1R2.1 - V9.1.173), it worked on 3 out 158 computers (2 xp, 1 Win7, upgrading from 3 different draftsight versions). So there's really nothing in common with them to narrow why it work for them, and not the others. The rest say: partially successful - "Already installed. install is not needed because the update is either not applicable or already installed". They are applicable, and they're not already installed. Our inventory is run daily, and nothing changed between the inventory run time and install time.

I only have one question. I use draftsight before in previous versions of openSUSE.

It is a good free cad application, but I find it to slow and have mouse problems dealing

with complex 2d drawings. I wonder if in openSUSE Leap 42.1 if it has improved.

Draftsight 2018 sp3 cannot activate please help I have the problem about activate since Draftsight 2017 so I have to go back using Draftsight 2016 sp2 and hot fix and activation process is working fine every time I enter the information but the latest update build of windows 10 I cannot use Draftsight 2016 sp2 and hot fix anymore so I have to install latest Draftsight 2018 sp3 from -services/draftsight-cad-software/ after I open the program it ask me to migrate from old version and send me to register page and every time I enter information it blink and program is close it-self with no message that said that e-mail was send, I have try all 4 e-mail address that I have without success, I also try all the method mention here including add 3ds.com to trusted website, registry tweak, turn off firewall before activation it give me the same problem every time. my spec is:


core i5-8250u

ram: 8gb

SSD: 256GB

windows 10 single language version 1809

please help with the activation process

Hello. I have a simillar issue. I install 2018 SP2 (or 1 it does not matter which) and can go through the activation process fine and start the software once. Once I have closed the software and I try to restart it the draftsight start-up windows pops-up and then the software seems to start but direclty shuts down. Once I restart it it will take me to the registration window once again. If i run the activation everything will work but the software will not start. If I clean the registry then it works once again en then bugs again. Any help welcome. BTW= Windows 10 Pro 64

I am having an issue where every time that I open draftsight it asks me to activate and I have entered a few different email address and I have never gotten an email back to activate it! I had our company IT guy install draftsight for as we also use solidworks, but I still get the activation screen! How do I get rid of the activation window?

I have just reinstalled my windows 10 due to abnormal lagging and slow reaction time. After that, empty folders named "good" started to appear in folders I have been to. Not all of them, but some. And their creation time is always before or after my arrival to that folder (e.g. When I come in and out of the target folder the first time, the "good "folder does not exist, but when I come back to the target folder again, the "good" folder is here and its time of creation is within 5 min of my first arrival to the target folder). Is this a "normal" issue, or something is wrong with my computer?

are you using any CAD software? We're experiencing something very similar here and believe it is to do with some cad software we use called "Draftsight". We believe the "good" folder is draftsights equivalent of windows "temp" folder, but it appears to not be cleaning up after itself.

I had similar problems when I updated Fedora 24 to 25. The parse stylesheet messages still show up but I can run draftsight from an Xorg session, (not Wayland), using the nouveau drivers but only under root privileges using sudo .You might try the following script: ff782bc1db

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