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Research interests

Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics; Laser cooling and trapping; Ultracold atoms; Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC); Optical lattices; atomic Mott-insulator (MI), Ultrafast Quantum Simulations; Rydberg atoms; Quantum Optics. The details of my research interests is given below:

Experimental research interests:

Ultrafast Rydberg quantum simulation platform using ultracold atoms :
Laser cooling and trapping to achieve coldest temperatures (nano-kelvin); 87Rb BEC; Optical lattice; atomic MI; ultrafast Rydberg excitation as close as ∼ 532 nm by circumventing the Rydberg blockade (using broadband laser pulses); atto-second coherent control; time domain Ramsey interferometry; quantum spin dynamics; ultrafast quantum simulations. 

Room temperature atomic vapor experiments:
Laser spectroscopy using atomic vapors of 87Rb and 133Cs; quantum optics; electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) and absorption (EIA), coherent population trapping (CPT), coherent population pumping in a bright state (CBS) and Hanle effect.           

Theoretical research interests:

Investigation of quantum optical phenomena:
Density-matrix formalism; quantum optics: quantum interference and atomic coherence effects, manipulation of group velocity of light inside atomic medium; hyperfine levels effect on EIT and EIA; a four level system in vee+ladder atomic system; first theoretical investigation of Rydberg EIA and sub- and super-luminal light propagation using a Rydberg state.