Self-/semi- supervised methods for medical image 

 V Sundaresan*, N K Dinsdale*, M Jenkinson, L Griffanti. “Omni-supervised domain adversarial training for white matter hyperintensity segmentation in the UK Biobank.” IEEE 14th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2022 *Shared first authorship.

V Sundaresan, et al. Constrained self-supervised method with temporal ensembling for fiber bundle detection on anatomic tracing data. In Medical Optical Imaging and Virtual Microscopy Image Analysis: First International Workshop, MOVI 2022 (eds. Huo, Y., Millis, B. A., Zhou, Y., Wang, X., Harrison, A. P., Xu Z.), MICCAI 2022. pp. 115-125. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland 2022.