Research activities

My overview profile

       I am a researcher in ecology working at Centre d'Etudes Spatiales de la BIOsphère (CESBIO) since 2011.  I have studied greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in agro-ecosystem for 15 years (carbon dioxyde, methane and nitrous oxyde). My research project is focusing on 1) the understanding of the processes implied in N2O emissions by analysing in situ data coming from long-term observations, 2) the analyse of meteo variability and of contrasted management effects on N2O fluxes and annual budget, and 3) the modeling of N2O fluxes at different scale and with different formalism (statistic vs mechanistic). My modelling approach includes the use of EO products for mapping N2O emissions  and improve regional inventories.  I am today the head of the National Monitoring Service, the Regional Spatial Observatory (OSR). I am a Pincipal Investigator and a co-PI of two ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System) crop sites located in the South West of France, highly instrumented since 2004 to monitor GHG, meteo, environmental variables, vegetation dynamic. etc. I contributed and contribute to different national and European projects (ANR ESCAPADE, ANR RUEdesSols, GHG-Europe, FluxPyr, Bag’gages), each being related to the study of the impact of agricutural practices and climate on the agro-ecosystem functioning. I contribute to several networks or research infrastructure; ZA PYGAR (regional), IR OZCAR and RZA (national), ERIC ICOS (European), eLTER (European), Fluxnet and JECAM (International).