Recent Publications

Guessing, math or something else? Lay people’s processes for valuing annuities, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2023, 36(4), e2316.

Exploring the First Steps of Retirement Engagement: A Conceptual Model and Field Evidence, Journal of Service Management, 2022, Vol. 33, 1-26 (with W. Eberhardt, E. Brüggen, and C. Hoet).

Engagement behavior and financial well-being: The effect of message framing in online pension communication, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2021, Vol. 38, 448-471 (with W. Eberhardt, E. Brüggen, and C. Hoet)

What Age Do You Feel? - Subjective Age Identity and Economic Behaviors, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2020, Vol. 173, 322-341 (with Z. Ye)

See the for complete list of my publications my CV

Working Papers

Subjective Financial Scarcity Today = Objective Financial Scarcity in the Future? The Impact of Subjective Financial Scarcity on Saving for Retirement (with K. Pulk)

AI-based Financial Advice: An Ethical Discourse on AI-based Financial Advice and Ethical Reflection Framework (with E. Brüggen, R. Gianni, F. de Haan, J. Hogreve, D. Meacham, M. van der Werf)

Trust me, it matters: Uncovering the double jeopardy of low regular saving and early withdrawal of retirement funds (with H. Reinson, A. Uusberg)

Savings goals matter - Cognitive constraints, retirement planning, and downstream economic behaviors (with Z. Ye, X. Zou, S. Chen)

From Two Heads to One: The Short-Run Impacts of the Recentralization of Political Power in Rural China (with O. Marie, Z. Ye, X. Zou)

When, how and for whom evaluative labels and consumption baskets increase pension savings (with A. M. Barrett, E. Brüggen, P. Jiao)

Friends with Benefits: Strengthening Peer Effects through Aligning Consumer Traits with Reference Group Attributes (with P. F. E. Verhallen, E. Brüggen, G. Odekerken-Schröder)