Jeyasimga, V, Vasudevan, N, (2013). Vermicomposting of kitchen waste by Eisenia foetida ,VVVC multidisciplinary research journal, 1(1) : 74-76.

Jeyasimga, V, Vasudevan, N, (2017). Vermicomposting of Coal fly ash using Eisenia foetida –Physico chemical analysis, International Multidisciplinary Innovative Research Journal 1(2) : 1-15.

Selvarani, M, Jeyasimga V, (2020). Phytochemical screening and bactericidal potency of Justicia adhatoda against clinical pathogens ,Asian journal of pharmaceutical and clinical research, 13(10)

Microorganism deposited in Genebank

Jeyasimga,V ,Vasudevan, N, and Sugapriya menaga, P, (2015), 16s rRNA sequence analysis of microorganism (Bacillus sp., J1V1) from gut of earthworm Eisenia foetida. (Deposited in Genbank of NCBI).Accession number: KT253590.


Jeyasimga, V, Vasudevan, N, (2011). Vermicomposting of kitchen waste by Eisenia foetida.

International conference on Climate change, forest resource and environment. Department of environmental sciences, University of Kerala in collaboration with NEA. 9-11, December.

Jeyasimga, V, Vasudevan, N, (2014). A study on vermicomposting of fly ash using Eisenia foetida. National seminar on Recent trends in Plant Science. Department of plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology, ANJA College, 18-19, September

Jeyasimga, V, Vasudevan, N, (2014). Organic cultivation of tomato using vermicomposted kitchen waste by Eisenia foetida. National conference on Biological sciences; The amalgamation and advancements of multidisciplinary Life sciences. Department of Biochemistry,, virudhunagar, 18-19, December.

Jeyasimga, V, Vasudevan, N, (2016), Physicochemical analysis of vermicomposting of fly ash by Eisenia foetida. National conference on Advances in Biological and environmental sciences. Department of Biology, Gandhi gram Rural Institute, Dindugal, 25-26, February.