



• International Journals (SCI/Scopus/UGC approved) 10

• National Journals 1

• IEEE International conferences 2

• International conferences other than IEEE 15

• National Conferences 02

Papers Published...

International Journal

  • Sangeeta Mishra, S. Sawarkar, “Techniques for Video Compression” © 2015, IJARCSSE
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and SoftwareEngineering(IJARCSSE) Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2015 164-169, ISSN: 2277 128.
  • Sangeeta Mishra, S. Sawarkar, “Low Bit Rate Video Coding” Nigerian Journal of Technology
(NIJOTECH)Vol. 32. No. 3. November 2013, pp. 522 – 527 University of Nigeria, Nsukka,ISSN: 1115-8443.
  • Sangeeta Mishra, S.Sawarkar, “Comparison Of EZW and H.264” International Journal Of
Computer Engineering And Technology (ISSN 0976 – 6367(Print) ISSN 0976 – 375(Online))Volume 4, Issue 3, May-June (2013), pp. 291-296.
  • Sangeeta Mishra and Sudhir Sawarkar, “ Video compression using SPIHT and Neural
Network” , International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research ,Vol. 2 Issue. 7 98-103 ISSN NO. 2250-3005.
  • Sangeeta Mishra and Sudhir Sawarkar, “Video Compression Using EZW and FSBM”,
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2012ISSN 2250-3153.
  • Sangeeta Mishra and Sudhir Sawarkar, “Video Compression Using Neural Network”,
International Journal of Computer Applications & Information Technology,Vol. I, Issue II,September 2012 (ISSN: 2278-7720) Pg- 50-54.
  • Sangeeta Mishra, S.Sawarkar , “Full search algorithm for video compression”, International
Journal Of Recent Trends In Signal Processing,(IJRTSP) Vol.1 Issue1.

International and National Conferences

  • Sangeeta M.,Sudeepto M.,Rushali P.,Neethu M.,Anish S., “Facile - The Smart Home”,
International Conference & Workshop on Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering(ICWET 2017) ISBN : 978-0-9972393-7-9
  • S. Mishra ,R. Kankal ,S. Lunawat ,P. Ram , V. Gupta, “Interactive automation interface using
android APP and speech recognition over wireless LAN and Internet”, International Conference& Workshop on Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (ICWET 2016)ISBN: 978-1-78561-307-4
  • Sangeeta Mishra, S.Sawarkar, “Various Techniques For Low Bit Rate Video Coding”,
International Conference on Communication, Information and Computing Technology (ICCICT-2012). (ISSN: 2250-2459) 19-20 Oct. 2012. ISBN: 978-1-4577-2077-2.The paper was publishedin IEEE XPLORE.
  • Sangeeta Mishra, S.Sawarkar , “Video Compression using MPEG”, IJCA Proceedings on
International Conference And Workshop On Emerging Trends In Technology (ICWET’12) heldat Feb’12,Mumbai, India .ISBN:978-1-4503-0449-8.The paper was selected as Editor’s Choice.
  • Sangeeta Mishra, S.Sawarkar “Image compression using neural network”, IJCA Proceedings
on International Conference And Workshop On Emerging Trends In Technology (ICWET’12)held at Feb’12,Mumbai, India .ISBN:973-93-80864-54-1
  • Sangeeta Mishra, S.Sawarkar, “Full search algorithm for movie files”,IJCA Proceedings on
International Conference in Computational Intelligence (ICCIA2012), held at Feb 2012, Nasik,India ISBN-978-93-80866-61-4.
  • Sangeeta Mishra, S.Sawarkar ,“Modified SPECK Wavelet Coder”, IJCA Proceedings on
International Conference And Workshop On Emerging Trends In Technology (ICWET’11) heldat Feb’11,Mumbai, India .ISBN:978-1-4503-0449-8.
  • Sangeeta Mishra, S.Sawarkar, “Modified EZW, a Wavelet Coder”, IJCA Proceedings on
International Conference And Workshop On Emerging Trends In Technology (ICWET’11) heldat Feb’11,Mumbai, India ISBN:978-1-4503-0449-8.
  • Sangeeta Mishra, S.Sawarkar, “Comparison of Different Wavelet Coder”, IJCA Proceedings
on International Conference And Workshop On Emerging Trends In Technology (ICWET’11)held at Feb’11,Mumbai, India. ISBN:978-1-4503-0449-8.
  • S. Ghosh, S. Mishra, and P. Saha, “Chaos based encryption technique for digital images,” in
International Conference & Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology, pp. 300–303, ACMNew York, NY, USA c 2011, 2011
  • S. Mishra, S. Ghosh and S. Sawarkar, “Modified EZW, a wavelet coder,” in International
Conference & Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology, pp. 88–91, ACM New York, NY,USA c 2011, 2011.
  • Sangeeta Mishra, S.Ghosh and S. Behra, ‘An Overview of Motion Estimation’ International
Conference & Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology (ICWET 2010) organized byTCET, Mumbai.
  • Sangeeta Tiwari , K.Rajput, ‘ Application of Neural Network for Recognition of Handwritten
Devnagari’ at National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Control &Instrumentation(NCETCI-2007) at Thadomal Shahani Engineering College on October 19-20,2007.
  • Sangeeta Tiwari , K.Rajput, ‘ Handwritten Devnagari Recognition and Editing’ at National
Conference on Communication & Signal Processing at Thadomal Shahani Engineering Collegeon April 12-13, 2007.