Black Identity

This page is dedicated to the development of a new line of research for me. Here I want to use my knowledge and research on Black racial identity and identification to better understand how and why Black people engage in nerd culture (e.g. gaming, cosplay, anime, Role Playing Games, Pokémon, etc...)

Initial Project Development

Idea Exploration: 

What do I know and what do I need to learn?

To examine where I need to start my literature review and learning about this topic I engaged in an idea generation activity called the 8 Elements of Reasoning. I have linked the document I used to detail the information I currently have and areas I need to explore here. 

8 Elements of Reasoning Black Nerd Culture

STEP Grant Proposal Development

My Grant Writing Journey

I am at the beginning of this journey and there is a lot to figure out. In the upcoming months I will begin to populate this section with my progress toward developing the materials needed for this grant proposal submission. So stay tuned for updates here. 

Readings & Research

Colorism Readings

Black Racial Identity Readings

Nerd Culture Readings

Resources I want to look into further:

Black Nerd Problems: Essays By William Evans and Omar Holmon

Resources I have read:

Bradley, A. (2021, March 24). The Black Nerds Redefining the Culture. New York Times (Online).

Readings Summaries

Summary and Evaluation of “The Black Nerds Redefining the Culture: social studies” by Adam Bradley