
Completed Projects


Title: Detecting Vulnerable Android Inter-App Communication in Dynamically Loaded Code

Venue: INFOCOM'19, TIFS'20



Title: Scalable Analysis of Interaction Threats in IoT Systems

Venue: ISSTA'20, SEAD'20, TSE'22



Title: Lightweight Multi-Stage Compiler-Assisted Application Specialization

Venue: Euro SP'22


Efficient Signature Generation for Classifying Cross-Architecture IoT Malware

Title: leveraging statistical and structural features over a multi-stage clustering approach to generate signatures for detecting IoT Malware

Venue: CNS'18

Ongoing Projects

Title: Smell the Vulnerability in Open Source Android Applications

Venue: in progress

Implementation: on going project, we can share our private repo upon request

Potential Future Projects

Debloating ROS applications

Approach: applying partial evaluation to reduce the size of ROS apps

Adversarial Specialized Malware

Approach: leveraging application specialization techniques to generate adversarial malware samples

Robust Graph-Based Malware Analysis

Approach: converting malware to images and then clustering malware belong to the same family based on image features