

Mohannad Alhanahnah is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison working with Prof. Somesh Jha and Prof. Thomas Reps on software debloating. Mohannad's research interests revolve around leveraging program analysis techniques for assessing and boosting application security. Mohannad completed his PhD in Computer Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln under the supervision of Dr. Hamid Bagheri and Dr. Qiben Yan and obtained MSc in Computer Security from the University of Kent. Mohannad worked as a researcher at iTrust lab at the Singapore University of Technology and Design and contributed to the development of Internet of Things Automatic Security Testbed. Mohannad worked also at Eindhoven University of Technology where he contributed to AU2EU. Mohannad received ACM SIGSOFT distinguished paper award and (ISC)2 graduate scholarship.

My CV.

Research Interests:

My research interest spans over the intersection of program analysis and cybersecurity. I leverage static analysis, dynamic analysis, symbolic execution, and formal verification to evaluate the security and safety of applications in emergent domains such as IoT and Android. More details about my research can be found HERE.



    • Email: python -c "print 'moh%s%shuskers.%s.%s' % ('annad', '@', 'unl', 'edu')"

    • OR echo YWxoYW5haG5haEB3aXNjLmVkdQ== | base64 --decode