About Me


Mallikarjun B. C. was born in 1977. He received Ph.D. degree in Electrical Communication Engineering (ECE) from I.I.Sc, Bangalore, in 2018. He was a lecturer from 2001 to 2006, Senior lecturer from 2006 to 2011, Assistant Professor from 2011 to 2019 in the department of E&C, SIT, Tumkur, and presently working as Associate professor in the department of E & TE, SIT, Tumkur, since 2019.

Research Supervisor in VTU with RSRI (Research Supervisor Registration Identity) - VTU07197542

His current research interests are in the area of Communication protocols, Communication Networks, Software Defined Networks, Network Security.

Artificial Intelligence(AI) applications in Network Management, Multimedia applications, etc.

Wireless Communication Systems, SDRs, Wireless Sensor Networks and IoT applications,

Software agents, Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning Concepts in WSN and IoT systems.