Conferences and Short-term courses


  1. Organized TEQIP - III Sponsored One-Week STTP on Emerging Technologies in Distribution System and Distributed Generation, during 27th September to 01 October 2021, at EED, SVNIT Surat.

  2. Organized TEQIP - III Sponsored One-Week STTP on Power Electronics for Electrical Vehicles & Energy Systems, during 28 September to 03 October 2020, at MMMUT Ghorakpur (Twinning Activity)

  3. Organized TEQIP – III sponsored one-week short term training program (STTP) on, “Control of Power Electronic Converters for on Grid and off Grid Systems” during 03 – 07 August 2020, at EED, SVNIT Surat.

  4. Organized one-week short term training program (STTP) on, “Real-time simulation and applications in power electronics, drives and renewable energy systems (RTSA – 2017)” during 18-23 December 2017, at EED, NIT Kurukshetra.

  5. Organized one-day workshop on “Reliability Engineering and Applications” (Sponsored by TEQIPIII) on 25 September 2018 at NIT Kurukshetra.


  1. Attended a Faculty Development program on, Pedagogy & Research Methodology, during 18-22 November, 2019 at SVNIT Surat.

  2. Participated in Indian Control Conference (ICC – 2019), during 18-20 December, 2019 at IIT Hyderabad.

  3. Participated in international conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SoCProS-2020), during 18 - 20 December, 2020 organized by IIT Indore (Online).

  4. Attended International Conference of Academic Institutions, during 05 - 06 January, 2022 at Science city, Ahmedabad, Organized by MoE and MoSDE, Govt. of India

  5. Attended a Workshop on “Building Management Systems”, Johnson Controls, Pune, during 7-9 March, 2018.

  6. Attended a Workshop on Smart Microgrids”, at Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur, during 8 – 10 April, 2016.

  7. Attended a Workshop on Effective Teaching Learning Pedagogy”, Conducted by ISTE, at Trivandrum, during 4 – 6 Feb, 2014.