Personal Profile

Dr.M.Vasumathy Dineshkumar., MSSE.,Ph.D., PGDIPR.,

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and applications,

D.K.M College for Women, Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore.632001.

Email Id:

Contact No: 9003856667

Dr.M.Vasumathy, Assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and application at DKM College for Women,Vellore. I had received her Ph.D from VIT University, Vellore, India and received my Master’s in Software Engineering from VIT University. My area of specialization includes image processing and knowledge engineering deep learning. I have 2 years software industry working experience and research experience of 3 years working for the ISRO sponsored projects funded by government of India and published more than 15 research article , 4 patent and book chapters in peer reviewed reputed journals.

Dr.M.Vasumathy_Staff profile format -DKM 2019-20.pdf