Google Scholar,, ResercherID: L-9748-2014, Publons, Scopus Author ID: 8565332000

* SCI Refereed Publications:

[24] Babault, J., Van Den Driessche J. and Charco, M. Plateau uplift, regional warping and subsidence In: Shroder, J. (Editor in Chief), Owen L. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology 2022 (2nd ed.) pp. 46

[23] Viaplana-Muzas, M., Babault, J., Dominguez, S., Van Den Driessche J. and Legrand, X. Modelling of drainage dynamics influence on sediment routing system in a fold-and-thrust belt Basin Research 2019 (31) 290-310

[22] Babault, J., Viaplana-Muzas M, Legrand, X., Van Den Driessche, J., González-Quijano, M., Mudd, S., Source-to-Sink constraints on tectonic and sedimentary evolution of the western Central Range and Cenderawasih Bay (Indonesia) Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 2018 (156) 265-287

[21] Janowski, M., Loget, N., Gautheron, C., Barbarand, J., Bellahsen, N., Van Den Driessche, J., Babault, J., and Meyer B. Neogene exhumation and relief evolution in the eastern Betics (SE Spain): Insights from the Sierra de Gador Terra Nova 2017, (29, 2) 91-97

[20] Struth, L., Teixell, A., Owen, L.A. and Babault, J. Plateau reduction by drainage divide migration in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia defined by morphometry and 10Be terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 2017, (42, 8) 1155-1170

[19] V. Bosch, Van Den Driessche, Babault, J. et al., Peneplanation and lithosphere dynamics in the Pyrenees C.R. Geoscience 2016 (348, 3-4) 194-202

[18] Viaplana-Muzas, M., Babault, J., Dominguez, S., Van Den Driessche J. and Legrand, X. Drainage network evolution and patterns of sedimentation in an experimental wedge Tectonophysics 2015, 664, 109-124

[17] Pastor, A., Babault, J., Owen L.A., Teixell A., Arboleya, M.-L., Extracting dynamic topography fromriver profiles and cosmogenic nuclide geochronology in the Middle Atlas and the High Plateaus of Morocco Tectonophysics 2015, 663, 95-109

[16] Domenech, M., Teixell, A., Babault, J. and Arboleya, M.-L. The inverted Triassic rift of the Marrakech High Atlas: A reappraisal of basin geometries and faulting histories Tectonophysics 2015, 663, 177-191

[15] Struth, L., Babault, J. and Teixell, A. Drainage reorganization during mountain building in the river system of the Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes Geomorphology 2015, 250, 370-383

[14] Babault, J., Teixell, A., Struth, L., Van Den Driessche, J., Arboleya, M.-L. and Teson, E. Shortening, structural relief and drainage evolution in thick-skinned thrust-fold belts: insights from the Atlas Mountains, the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia and the Pyrenees In: Nemčok, M. Mora, A. & Cosgrove, J. W. (Eds), Thick-Skin-Dominated Orogens: From Initial Inversion to Full Accretion. Journal of the Geological Society of London, Spec. Publ., 377, pp. 18. 2013

[13] Babault, J. and Van Den Driessche J. Plateau uplift, regional warping and subsidence In: Shroder, J. (Editor in Chief), Owen L. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology 2013, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, vol. 5, pp. 36.

[12] Pastor A., Babault, J., Teixell, A. and Arboleya M.-L. Intrinsic stream-capture control of stepped fan-pediments in the High Atlas piedmont of Ouarzazate (Morocco) Geomorphology 2012

[11] Babault, J. Van Den Driessche J. and Teixell, A. Longitudinal to transverse drainage network evolution in the High Atlas (Morocco): the role of tectonics Tectonics 2012, (31) TC4020 1-15

[10] Babault, J., Bonnet, S., Ruiz, G.M.H. and Van Den Driessche, J. A comment on ‘Late- to post-orogenic exhumation of the Central Pyrenees revealed through combined thermochronological data and modelling’ by M. Gibson, H. D. Sinclair,G. J. Lynn and F. M. Stuart Basin Research 2009, 21, 139–141, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2117.2008.00377.x (see Sinclair's comment)

[9] Arboleya, M.-L., Babault, J., Owen L.A., Teixell, A. and Finkel R.C. Timing and nature of Quaternary fluvial incision in the Ouarzazate foreland basin, Morocco Journal of the Geological Society London 2008, 165 (6), 1059-1073, doi:10.1144/0016-76492007-151.

[8] Babault, J., Teixell, A., Arboleya, M.-L. and Charroud, M. A late Cenozoic age for the long-wavelength surface uplift of the Atlas Mountains of Morocco Terra Nova 2008, 20 (2), 102–107, doi:10.1111/j.1365-3121.2008.00794.x.

[7] Teixell, A., Ayarza, P., Tesón, E., Babault, J., Alvarez-Lobato, F., Charroud, M., Julivert, M., Barbero, L., Amrhar, M. and Arboleya, M.-L. Geodinámica de las cordilleras del Alto y Medio Atlas: Síntesis de los conocimientos actuales Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 2007, 20 (3-4), 119-135

[6] Babault, J., Bonnet, S., Van Den Driessche J. & Crave, A. High elevation of low relief surfaces in mountain belts: Does it equate to post-orogenic surface uplift? Terra Nova 2007, 19 (4), 272–277, doi:10.1111/j.1365-3121.2007.00746.x.

[5] Babault, J., Loget N., Van Den Driessche J., Castelltort S., Bonnet S. and Davy P. Did the Ebro basin connect to the Mediterranean before the Messinian Salinity Crisis? Geomorphology 2006, 81, 155-165 doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.04.004.

[4] Babault, J., Van Den Driessche J., Bonnet S., Castelltort S. and Crave, A. Reply to comment by Yanni Gunnel and Marc Calvet on 'Origin of the highly elevated Pyrenean peneplain' Tectonics 2006, 25, TC3004, doi:10.1029/2005TC001922.

[3] Babault, J., Van Den Driessche J., Bonnet S., Castelltort S. and Crave, A. Origin of the highly elevated Pyrenean peneplain Tectonics 2005, 24, TC2010, doi:10.1029/2004TC001697.

[2] Babault, J., Bonnet, S., Crave, A. and Van Den Driessche J. Influence of piedmont sedimentation on erosion dynamics of an uplifting landscape: an experimental approach Geology 2005, 33 (4), 301-304, doi:10.1130/G21095.1.

[1] Babault, J., Van Den Driessche J. Erosion of mountain belts: influence of piedmont sedimentation C.R. Géoscience 2005, 337 (16), 1431-1438 doi:10.1016/j.crte.2005.09.010.

* Others:

Babault, J. and Teixell, A. El relieve de los Pirineos Enseñanza de las Ciencias de la Tierra, 2007.

Babault, J. Dynamique de l’érosion dans les chaînes de montagnes : Influence de la sédimentation de piedmont. L’exemple des Pyrénées Ph.D. Thesis, University of Rennes1, Mémoires de Géosciences Rennes, Vol. 112, 218p, 2004.

Babault, J. Nouvelle interprétation géométrique et quantification du champ de déplacement sur la rampe latérale Ouest du Montsec (Bassin de Graus-Tremp, Espagne) Mémoires de DEA de Géosciences Rennes, 20p, 2000.