DR. Jenica Yong

About Dr. Jenica

We welcome patients to this center with our unique brand of care combined with

state-of-the-art technology to diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate related

disorders of the ear, nose, and throat (ENT).

Dr Jenica Yong is a USA fellowship-trained ENT surgeon.

She graduated from National University of Singapore in and entered Otolaryngology residency. She passed her membership examinations in Surgery from Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. She was accredited as a Specialist in Otolaryngology by the Ministry of Health. She went on to pursue a Facial Plastics fellowship in the University of Virginia.

Dr Jenica is also committed to mentoring her juniors. She is actively involved in undergraduate medial school teaching and has won the teaching award in National University Hospital for her teaching of undergraduate medical students. Dr Jenica has also received the Outstanding Faculty Award from Singhealth. Dr Jenica served as one of the core faculty members in Singhealth and was the site program director of KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

Dr Jenica has been involved in numerous international and local conferences. She was an invited speaker at the Charles W Gross Symposium: The NOSE course held in the United states. She has presented regionally and internationally and is first author of several indexed journal article. She has authored book chapters.


What are allergies?

Allergies are an abnormal immune response to substances that are normally harmless to others.

These substances are known as allergens and can range from food to things in the environment.

The abnormal immune responses are also known as hypersensitivity reactions. This occurs when the body procedures antibiotics known as IgE in response to allergen exposure.

Who gets allergies?

The tendency to get allergies are often hereditary however this does not indicate that your child will definitely get your specific allergies. It just means that they are more prone to getting allergies if you have a history of allergies.

What is ear wax or cerumen

Cerumen is also known as earwax. It is a protective matter produced by the body and it helps to protect the ears. It has lubricating and antibacterial properties. However, it can occasionally build up and cause pain, hearing loss, ear itch.

Why do we have ear wax

Ear wax helps to trap dirt and dust. It is also acidic and this helps to prevent infections.

What are the complications of earwax

Earwax also a benign condition and generally does not cause any issues. However, sometimes it can cause hearing loss, pain, ear itch.

Rarely, it can expand the ear canal causing keratosis obturans. There are conditions that predispose an individual to ear wax related issues such as, narrowed ear canal, over production of ear wax and wearing of devices that causes ear wax to be impacted.

How do I prevent cerumen/earwax buildup?

Avoiding ear instrumentation, such as the use of cotton bud and other ear cleaning devices may help prevent the build-up of earwax. The use of hearing aids and ear plugs can also contribute to earwax build-up as well. Some patients have ear canals shaped in a way that interferes with the normal migration of cerumen.

You can continue to clean the outer ear with a clean cloth, without entering into the ear canal.

How do I remove cerumen in the ears?

Solutions such as olive oil can help soften the earwax and allow it to migrate out of the ear canal.

However, in some situations, removal of cerumen needs to be performed with special instruments in the clinic.

What is sinus?

“Sinus” is an anatomical term to describe the hollow cavities within the skull. Sometimes, it is used colloquially to describe allergic rhinitis.

What is allergic rhinitis?

It is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes and throat. The inflammation is mediated by IgE, which indicates it is an allergic reaction.

It is commonly incited by exposure to environmental allergens. Common environmental allergens include:

House dust mites

Pet dander

Molds and plants


Is allergic rhinitis inherited?

The predisposition to develop allergies are inherited. For example, in parents who have a history of asthma, eczema and allergic rhinitis, there is a tendency for their children to develop allergies as well. However, specific type of allergies are not inherited. If a parent has asthma, it does not automatically indicate their child will have asthma as well.

What is hoarseness?

Hoarseness is a description when your voice sounds rough, raspy or breathy.

How does the voice work?

There are various organs in involved in producing our voice. Our voice is created when air passes our vocal cords. The air generated is from our lungs, which passes through our vocal cords. The movement and vibration of our vocal cords create sound.

What are thecauses of hoarseness?

Hoarseness can be caused by many causes. Some of them include:

Excessive voice use

Recent cold

Laryngitis: There can be temporary swelling after a cold

Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD): GERD is when stomach acids go up your esophagus into your throat. These acids can irritate the throat and cause hoarseness

Vocal cord nodules, cysts and polyps: These can form when there is excessive friction on the vocal folds.

Neurological conditions: When muscles of the throat are affected, it can cause changes in the voice

Laryngeal cancer