Teaching Experience

Over the course of five years, I've taught over 40 classes, large and small sections at four different institutions, in person, hybrid, and online. I am very passionate about teaching and learning, course design, motivation strategies, and metacognition. I served on a university-wide pedagogical society, the Program for Instructional Excellence at Florida State University. I have also been an academic advisor and very much enjoyed helping students past academic and personal hurdles.

Courses taught:

Principles of Microeconomics, Principles of Macroeconomics, Introduction to Economics, Intermediate Microeconomics, Banking and Finance, Business Statistics, Principles of Finance

Teaching awards and honors:

Charles Rockwood Award 2017 - awarded for the most outstanding graduate student teaching assistant in economics, Florida State University.

Dewy F. Bartlet Fellowship 2016 - awarded for the most outstanding graduate student instructor of record in economics, Florida State University.

Bill Peterson Scholarship 2018- awarded for leadership among graduate student teaching assistants in the Economics Department, Florida State University.

Program for Instructional Excellence Associateship 2016-2019 - P.I.E.'s mission is to improve teaching by graduate students at Florida State University. I presented at our monthly workshops and at the annual P.I.E. graduate student teaching conference. Other contributions include: evaluating Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award application submissions, contributing to our news letter, and supporting the graduate students in economics by implementing a peer and faculty teaching observation program.