What Are Strokes And Why It Happens?
Just like heart attack stroke is brain attack. It happens when blood flow to an area of brains is cut off. When no blood reaches brain, no oxygen reaches so the brain cell begins to die, and then, when cells of brains die during a stroke, abilities controlled by that area of brain such as memory and muscle control are lost.
How can Physiotherapy help?
Physiotherapy is most important part of your rehabilitation. A physiotherapist will help you to regain strength and movement. Dr. Harsimrat Kalsi, Best Physiotherapist in Chandigarh are trained to understand the impact of changes caused by damage to the brains and nervous system.
After a stroke, our brain cannot grow new cells to replace the ones that have been damaged, but the brain has ability to reorganise its undamaged cells and make up for what is lost. This is called neuroplasticity. This process can be guided by the rehabilitation you receive following your stroke, and your physiotherapist will provide expert guidance on how to relearn movement and regain function.
Stroke symptoms can include:
- paralysis
- Trouble with speaking and understanding
- confusion
- slurring speech
- vision problems, such as trouble seeing in one or both eyes with vision blackened or blurred, or double vision
- trouble walking
- loss of balance or coordination
- dizziness
- severe, sudden headache with an unknown cause
What does a physiotherapist do?
· Help you relearn normal patterns of moods
· Offer therapy to strengthen your trunk and limbs and teach you how to move independently.
· Advice you how and when you can do as much as possible for yourself.
· Plan exercise protocol to avoid any complications that might slow down recovery
The more therapy you have, more active you are after stroke.
Different types of physiotherapy exercise we offer during stroke
· Strengthening exercise
· Stretching exercise
· Balance (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation)
· Icing/Brushing
· Weight Bearing Exercises
Also Read This Article What Are Strokes And Why It Happens?