PhD research

Saranya Pounraj* November 2019 - present

Cell specific drug delivery using antibody conjugated polyhydroxybutyrate beads as delivery vehicle

*Associate Supervisor at Griffith University

Deeptee Pande* February 2020 - present

Development of a new biomaterials platform by combining biomimetics with microfluidics

*Co-Principal Supervisor at Griffith University

Guangze Yang* 2016 - 2020

Core-shell nanomaterials for drug delivery and controlled release

*Associate Supervisor at the University of Queensland

Masters research

Baode Sun* 2016 - 2018

Simple methods for producing valuable antimicrobial peptides and proteins products using E. coli systems

*Associate Supervisor at the University of Queensland

Undergraduate research

Trung Hieu Vu* 2020

Synthesis of electrospun nanofibers for biomedical applications

*External Supervisor at Griffith University


Alexia Faure

Yu-Ching Kao

Katrina Jane Galves