Events Organisation

       July 23-26, 2024

Special Sessions 

"Nonlinear Patterns and Waves in Biological Systems" with A. Iuorio and M. Avery 

"Recent Advances in Biological, Epidemiological and Social Dynamics" with M. Garavello and A. Viguerie

@ AMS-UMI Joint Meeting, Palermo (Italy)

Sept. 18-22, 2023 - Minisymposium "PDE and Mathematical Biology", ÖMG Tagung, Graz (Austria) together with K.Fellner and B.Q.Tang.

September 11-15, 2023 

Organiser of the ICMS workshop MoDiS 2023 "Modelling Diffusive Systems"

together with A. Iuorio and V. Giunta

Bayes Centre - Edinburgh (UK)

4-9.09.2023 - Special Session "Mathematics for life sciences", together with C. Giverso and M. Zanella - Congresso UMI 2023,  Pisa (Italy) 

May 18-19, 2023

Organiser of the workshop MSE 

"Modellistica Socio-Epidemiologica", 

together with D. Breda, B. Buonomo, F. Diele, A. Pugliese, M. Zanella

Sagrestia del Vasari - Naples (Italy)

November 27- December 2, 2022 

Organiser of the BIRS workshop 

"Topics in multiple time scale dynamics"

together with H. Jardon-Kojakhmetov, M. Engel, B. Sandstede  

BIRS - Banff (Canada)

Sept. 19-23, 2022 

Mini-symposium "Multi-scale phenomena in biology: modelling and analysis", together with A. Iuorio 

ECMTB2022, Heidelberg (Germany)

April 4-8, 2022 

organiser of the Hausdorff School 

"Diffusive systems - Par II: bifurcations, pattern formation and biological applications

HCM Bonn (Germany)

September 6-10, 2021 

organiser of the online ICMS Early Career Workshop 

"MoDiS - Modelling Diffusive Systems: Theory & Biological Applications

ICMS - Edimburgh (UK) 


Aug 30 - Sept 3, 2021 - organiser of the MS "Novel approaches in the mathematical understanding of COVID-19 epidemic", with M. Zanella - SIMAI 2020+21, Parma (Italy)

April 12-16, 2021 

organiser of the  online Hausdorff School 

"Diffusive systems: bifurcations, pattern formation and biological applications

HSM Bonn (Germany)