Cinzia Soresina

"Rita Levi Montalcini" Tenure-Track Assistant Professor (RTDb)

Department of Mathematics - University of Trento - Italy

Welcome to My Homepage

My research focuses on topics arising from biology and ecology, developing different aspects of the projects, from modelling and theoretical study to discretization, numerical methods and programming. I appreciate working in an interdisciplinary team.

Research  Topics

Population dynamics, predator-prey models, epidemiological models, stage-structured populations, bifurcations analysis, Turing instability, pattern-formation, reaction cross-diffusion systems, optimal control.

Past Positions

[2020-2023] Universitätsassistentin mit Doktorat, Universisity of Graz (Austria) - Applied Analysis Group (Prof. Klemens Fellner)

[2018-2020] Eurotech Postdoc Fellow (MSCA), TUM (Germany) - supervisor C. Kuehn

[2018] Visiting PostDoct,  IMJ-PRG Paris 7 -  funded by INdAM

[2018] Post Doctoral Fellow, CMAF-CIO, ULisboa

[2017] Post Doctoral Fellow, CNR-IMATI Milano


[2022] Habilitation - ASN Seconda Fascia 01/A4 (Italy)

[2017] Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Milano (Italy)

[2013] M.Sc. in Mathematics, University of Parma (Italy)

[2009] B.Sc. in Mathematics, University of Parma (Italy)

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