
Aalborg University, Denmark, Jan. 2016 - Dec. 2017  (Postdoc)

Worked on the iSocioBot project, focusing on developing front-end and back-end modules of a biometric speaker identification system for speaker recognition during human-social robot interaction.

Carried out research work on the OCTAVE project as a member of the Aalborg University team. The main goals of the project were to develop a text-dependent and -independent biometric speaker recognition system robust to noise, spoofing attacks, etc. 

University College Cork, Ireland, May 2014 - Dec. 2015  (Postdoc)

Carried out research work in the field of neonatal seizure detection, focusing on developing an automated neonatal EEG classification system, based on advanced feature and machine learning techniques that could be used for constant surveillance of the neonatal EEG in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). 

LIMSI -CNRS, Orsay, France, July 2012 - April 2014  (Postdoc)

Carried out research work in the field of speaker recognition, focusing on developing algorithms for simpler way speaker characterization for real-time applications. 

Universite D'Avignon, France, June 2011 - June 2012 (Postdoc)

Carried out research work in the field of speaker recognition, focusing on developing an algorithm for the reduction of the effect of mismatch train-test data duration.

Speech Recognition project funded by the Dept. of Science Technology, Ministry of Science Technology, India.  (6 months)

Carried out research work in the field of speech recognition, focusing on developing an algorithm for speaker normalization. 


   IIT Madras, India

   IIT Kanpur, India