Dang-Phuong-Lan NGUYEN
Doctorate in Signal and Image Processing


Email: lan.nguyen-at-math.u-bordeaux.fr (replace -at- with @ ) 

    nguyendangphuonglan-at-gmail.com  (replace -at- with @ ) 

Office: 202M (IMB building) 

Address: IMB, Université de Bordeaux, 351 Cours de la liberation, 33405 Talence Cedex, France 

Teacher resarcher (ATER) at Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux (IMB) and Laboratoire de l'Intégration du Matériau au Système (IMS)

IMB Laboratory - Image, Optimisation and Probability IOP Team 

IMS Laboratory - Signal & Image Team 

Research interests

PhD thesis

Super-resolution of multiscale 3D images from materials science, D-P-L Nguyen, Université  de Bordeaux, 2023


Dang-Phuong-Lan Nguyen, Johannes Hertrich, Jean-Francois Aujol, Yannick Berthoumieu, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 2023.

Conference Publication

Dang-Phuong-Lan Nguyen, Jean-Francois Aujol, Yannick Berthoumieu, GRETSI 2022, Nancy, France, 2022. 


2022-2023: General mathematics - University of Bordeaux (Licence 1)  Lecture notes Exercise sheets 

2022-2023: TD Linear Algebra 2- University of Bordeaux (Licence 2)    Lecture notes Exercise sheets 

2022-2023: TP Modeling for image processing - University of Bordeaux (Master 2)  

2020-2021:  TD/TP Probabilities, Statistics, Combinatorics - University of Bordeaux (L2 Info/Math-Info) Lecture notes 


PhD's supervisors

Master's supervisor