Chi-Hiêu PHAM

Assistant professeur (Maître de conférences) at Université de Bretagne Occidentale and LaTIM Inserm U1101

E-mail: chi-hieu.pham[at]

A short resume  of my adventure :

From 09/2020 to 11/2022, I was an assistant professeur - researcher (enseignant-chercheur)  at ISEN Yncréa Ouest. My research topic was "Privacy-preservation for face identification" and "Disentangled learning in the context of warehouse".

From 01/2019 to 08/2020, I was a postdoctoral researcher in IDS department at Télécom Paris. My research topic was "Learning robust and navigable latent spaces for generative networks, in the context of image and texture synthesis". I have had the great pleasure to work with Alasdair Newson and Saïd Ladjal, funded by Labex Digicosme.

From 10/2015 to 12/2018, I was a PhD student in LaTIM under the supervision of François Rousseau. My PhD work is aimed at "Deep learning for medical image super-resolution and segmentation", funded by MAIA project. In particular, this work proposes 3D convolutional neural networks for brain MRI super-resolution, 3D generative neural networks for simultaneous brain MRI super-resolution and segmentation. This method is not only tested on synthetic data but also proved as applicable to clinical neo-natal MRIs. In addition, this work proposes an unsupervised approach to synthesizing MRI sequences (e.g. from T1-weighted MRI to T2-weighted MRI).

In 2015, M.Sc degree in Signal and Image processing from  University of Rennes 1. In the same year, I completed my internship at Signal and Image Processing Laboratory (LTSI). My internship work is aimed at "Preoperative planning for ultrasonic therapy by transesophageal echocardiography in atrial fibrillation (Using VTK and CamiTK, implement in C++ with compiler Qt", under the supervision of Jean-Louis Dillenseger.

In 2014, I graduated from Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology, with the B.Eng. degree in Telecommunications Engineering . My final thesis was under the supervision of Thuong Le-Tien