Docker uses a content-addressable image store, and the image ID is a SHA256digest covering the image's configuration and layers. In the example above,debian:bookworm and debian:latest have the same image ID because they arethe same image tagged with different names. Because they are the same image,their layers are stored only once and do not consume extra disk space.

You can find the description of the snap package here: Install docker on Linux | Snap Store. Make sure you understand the implications of what is written there. If you have issues with the snap package, the place to address them is Issues  docker-snap/docker-snap  GitHub. Ip Address

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So my server is a VM on VMWare Server with a fixed IP address

When I install the homeassistant-supervised.deb, after reboot, the IP is remove, data network file deleted and the server use a DHCP address

From inside VS Code, select Run > Start debugging (or just press the F5 key). This will open a terminal inside VS Code and you should see a result saying something like: "Starting development server at :8000/ Quit the server with CONTROL-C." Hold down the Control key and select the address displayed to open your app in your default web browser and see your project running inside of its container.

You'll get around 56 settings and you search for "Docker:Host" where you put the line "tcp://" where you can replace the highlighted ip address by the one you got before

In WSL2, it's not possible to assign IP address but, I can use the windows port forwarding to redirect a local port from the host to a specific one of my distribution. Hence I could put "tcp://localhost:2375" in VsCode and the calls will be redirected to dockerd running in WSL2-Ubuntu.

Firewall configurations that restrict outbound access to Duo's service with rules using destination IP addresses or IP address ranges aren't recommended, since these may change over time to maintain our service's high availability. If your organization requires IP-based rules, please review Duo Knowledge Base article 1337.

In order to use the Duo Access Gateway with Azure Active Directory the Azure domain must be synced with an on-premises Active Directory domain so that the "mail" attribute is populated, or the Azure domain users must be provisioned with an Office 365 email address.

Enabling the IP address binding option associates an authenticated Duo Access Gateway session to the client's IP address. Once users authenticate to a Duo protected cloud service they are not prompted again for primary authentication until the session lifetime is reached or the client's IP address changes. Users do not need to reauthenticate when their client IP changes if this setting remains disabled.

If you don't get a static IP address from your ISP, you will need a Dynamic DNS service. This sets a hostname which will be redirected to your IP. There are a lot of providers for this, currently I use No-IP because it is free and has always worked out for me. So create an account here and set a hostname with your (external) IP address, which you can read here. Make sure you don't have a VPN active, because then the IP address will differ.

After the last command you have to register with your email address (for important notifications about your certificates) and accept the terms. You can decide if you want to share your e-mail address with EFF. Then enter your previously chosen hostname from No-IP.

Afterwards check the success by typing the hostname of No-IP into your browser. You should now be taken to the default Apache page via HTTPS.

After the last command you have to register with your email address (for important notifications about your certificates) and accept the terms. You can decide if you want to share your e-mail address with EFF. Then enter your previously chosen hostname from No-IP.

Afterwards check the success by typing the hostname of No-IP into your browser. You should now be taken to the default Nginx page via HTTPS.

To keep the IP address at No-IP up to date, you have to install and set up the update client of No-IP per these instructions. In order to keep the service active after a reboot, enter the following command:

I want to run joplin server locally on my raspberry pi using docker. I want to access it from another machine on the same network using its IP address. What do I enter for the APP_BASE_URL parameter in docker-compose.yml?

I also tried setting APP_BASE_URL=192.168.0.x/joplin

When I visited the above link on another machine, I got an error "invalid login path" and I was given a link to go to the login page. On clicking on that, the url in the address bar changes to:

192.168.0.x/192.168.0.x/joplin {Ip address appears 2 times}

However, if you did not have a bridge before, my guide still has DHCP enabled on the physical address. It only instructs to disables the DHCP on the virtual bridge that enables VM access if you have Virtual Machines that need access to the host.

If you are using an EC2 instance, this is the Public DNS value for the server, which is the same address you use to connect to the instance with SSH. Make sure that the security group for your instance allows inbound traffic on port 80.

If you are using docker-machine on a Windows or Mac computer, find the IP address of the VirtualBox VM that is hosting Docker with the docker-machine ip command, substituting machine-name with the name of the docker machine you are using.

Under an academic total headcount license through the Unversity of Montana, I was able to get an installation key and license by logging into my Mathworks account, going to the "install and activate" tab, then clicking "activate to retrieve license file" under related tasks. From there, click "active a computer". The Matlab license is tied to a specific username and MAC address, so in order to get it to work in Docker, specify the login name as "root", which is the Docker default, and set the mac address to 02:42:ac:11:00:02. The license MAC address needs to match the MAC address in the Docker container, which can be specified at runtime.

Containers in general, and Docker in particular, are key aspects of modern Linux system administration and DevOps workflows. In many cases, teams need to run multiple containerized apps together. Docker Compose helps them address this use case.

AdGuard Home needs a static IP assigned to it which accessible from all your devices so they can use that address as the DNS server. Since we are running AdGuard inside a container we need to connect the internal container network with the normal one you have at home, from your router. We'll do that with something called macvlan, so your router sees AdGuard Home as a physical device with its own MAC address.

First we need to decide what IP ranges our devices and services will have on our network. Unless you know differently I'd say you have some devices that have fixed IP addresses (either static or reserved in your DHCP server) and some that you just connect on the fly. I will assume your router (DHCP server) is assigning addresses with a format of 192.168.1.XXX, with the router itself on, the subnet. If not, change accordingly.

You can organize this however you like but the most important thing is that you set the range of addresses your router is assigning devices with DHCP. This is so it doesn't interfere with the range of addresses we give our Docker containers on the Raspberry Pi. Keep in mind that the Raspberry Pi itself is not within the containers range as it is a physical device with an IP already. This is what it could look like in the DHCP settings of the router with the above example.

All devices in your network will use this new DNS server when it's configured to do so in the router, but for the host device itself, it's a bit different. With macvlan, client interfaces can't communicate directly with the host, so we need to use our bridge network. Login to your Raspberry Pi and open the file /etc/systemd/resolved.conf with sudo. There you will need to uncomment DNS and FallbackDNS and add your own values. The DNS value should be the bridge address to AdGuard Home, in our case.

RTLS Studio Manager cannot verify if the anchor has configured the correct RTLS Studio IP address. This limitation is due to fact that dockerized RTLS Studio cannot access the network configuration of the host machine. The manager shows always the correct network configuration in the status bar.

Specify y to generate a trusted SSL certificate using Let's Encrypt. You will be prompted to enter an email address for expiration reminders from Let's Encrypt. For more information, see Certificate Options.

Replace globalSettings__mail__smtp...= placeholders to connect to the SMTP mail server that will be used to send verification emails to new users and invitations to organizations. Adding an email address to adminSettings__admins= will provision access to the admin portal.

For production environments, you also have the option of using Let's Encrypt certificates. Let's Encrypt uses an http-01 challenge to verify that you have control over your domain. You can confirm that you control the domain by pointing the hostname that you want to use for Rancher access (for example, to the IP of the machine it is running on. You can bind the hostname to the IP address by creating an A record in DNS.

If you are using a service such as dnsmasq to provide a local resolver, consider adding a virtual interface with a link local IP address in the block for dnsmasq to bind to instead of to avoid the network namespace conflict. 2351a5e196

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