Before the most recent zoom update, I assume "registration" was on or automatic for meetings. I had a recurring meeting for which I would download the list of participants each month. I no longer have the option to download meeting participants, and when I go to "edit" the meeting settings, nothing there will allow me to require registration. However, I do see that option for when I create new meetings. I really need this report for October. Is there any way to access it??

Hi! Zoom used to allow hosts to download registration reports with all the fields in different columns. The current 'usage report' seems to put all the info from one registrant in a single row. This makes it difficult to use and sort any of the information. Why is this - or is it just something I'm doing wrong!?

Download Zoom Registration Report


Setup the Zoom Meeting with Registration Enabled (this will allow you to SEE registrations and resend invites in the Meetings > Registrations tab under a meeting but WON'T allow you to export)

Hello there, how can I extract the participants of past events.? I tried this via: reports, select a meeting/webinar and then I see the CSV possibility to download. But there are no email addresses included. So I cant email them the follow-up mail after the session.....

Regarding your question, when you refer to the difference in the registration numbers from the platform vs the totals from the API, do you mean the total_records you are getting in your response body when calling the Get Past Meeting Participants endpoint?

I tried to replicate this issue on my end and I was not able to get the same results. When I get the meeting registrants via API, its always the same number of records than when generating a report via the Webportal.

Have you tried calling the Get meeting registrant endpoint with the meeting UUID?

You can get past meeting instances of a meeting with this endpoint:



In my application i am scheduling zoom meeting with registration enabled. User is joining zoom session with that particular registration link.

But when i am fetching zoom meeting details with particular api report/meetings/${meetingId}/participants, for some users it is showing wrong username and email.

This is happening if i am logged in on zoom portal with other zoom user, and if i joined meeting with other user registration url, then zoom report showing details of logged in user of that time instead of showing registered user details.

Hi, yes its a join_url which is returned by registration api. I am trying to join meeting by this url. But when user is logged in from other user on zoom portal ( ), then zoom is fetching details from logged in user, instead of registered user.

Zoom reports provide information on Attendance, Registration (if required), and Poll responses (if used). If a meeting allows only authenticated users (i.e., requires NetID and NetID password sign in), the report will show the SBU email address of attendees.

Just to confirm that we have also seen this for a couple of webinars, the API calls were made around noon GMT on 4 May.

It seems like it was a temporary change, as later the reports started returning back the full participant names as usual.

Scheduling a meeting that requires registration will allow participants register with their e-mail, name, other questions, and custom questions. You can also generate meeting registration reports if you want to download a list of people that registered.

Send an email to host when someone registers: Check this option if you want to receive an email when someone registers for your webinar. Attendees will receive an email when you approve their registration.

Close registration after event date: Check this option if you want to prevent anyone from registering after the webinar date and projected end time. Attendees can still register on the event date and once the webinar starts, as long as it is before the projected end time of the webinar. For example, if you schedule a webinar for 9AM with a duration of 2 hours, the registration will close at 11AM.

 Note: If you enable this setting and make your webinar available on-demand, people can use the original registration link to register for the on-demand webinar recording.

Attendance reports are available through the Zoom page in Canvas or the Zoom website. If the meeting recurrence is set for "no fixed time" (as they are for Connect classes) you will have to pull the reports from the Zoom website.

This usage report shows how many participants attended. You can click that number to see the usernames used to join your meeting. Their email address will only show if they are signed in to their Zoom account when they join your meeting. Follow the directions below on how to pull usage report.

If all of your users are internal to UAB, you can require authentication which requires them to log in to a Zoom account in order to join the meeting. This allows reports to include not just their display name but also their account email.

If you require registration for your Zoom meeting then you can pull a registration report when the meeting is over to see which users, of those who registered, attended your meeting. This report provides display name and email as it collects users emails when they register for your meeting and does not require them to have a Zoom account.

Hi! We have the zoom integration all set up but I am strugging with setting up a report where I can see all the information like 1) how long they attended 2) how many registered vs attended 3) if they engaged with our website or social platforms etc. Does anyone have any experience with this? Thanks

@chavlene I was struggling with this too. So with the reports, there are limited properties that can be used - average zoom attendance duration, last registered zoom webinar, total number of zoom registrations, the total number of zoom attended! The list tool will give you more options so if you do it that way.. you could create your own graphs but with the reporting tool you can do the ones I mentioned. It would be a contact-based report, then when you search for "zoom" you should see the properties either in the data or in the filters!

Hey Team, having the ability to use the same filters we have in Lists/Workflows in Custom reports would be really helpful in building out dashboards and understanding the performance across mulitple webinars

Hosts of Zoom meetings or webinars should be aware that when they make changes to the registration options for a meeting or webinar, previous attendee registration data and reports for the event will be lost.

For this reason, Zoom hosts are advised not to make changes to event registration settings if they plan to run reports on attendees and attendance. Lost data can include details about attendees and polling responses collected during registration.

Again, to avoid having to take these steps, event hosts are advised not to make changes to meeting or webinar's registration settings unless they understand that this can cause a loss of registration data and reports.

Requiring registration for a Zoom event provides additional security in addition to allowing the collection of information about attendees who register. Registration can be enabled during the scheduling of an event by clicking the Required checkbox to the right of Registration.

Once the event has been scheduled, open the event details in Zoom and use the settings found in the Registration, Email Settings, Branding, and Polls tabs at the bottom, to set up the registration process.

Registration requires participants to provide information before receiving a Zoom meeting link. Registration links will not contain your meeting ID, which adds a layer between the general public and your actual meeting information. While registration alone may not stop the most persistent disruptive participants, it is a strong deterrent and should be considered for any public meeting.

Registration can be enabled for your meetings when they are scheduled with the Zoom website or Blackboard integration. While you can enable registration on existing meetings, anyone who has already received an invite will need to register before they next join the meeting.

After saving, your meeting link and invitation will change to a registration link. You can then send the registration link to your invitees or post it online. When someone registers, they will receive an email with instructions for joining and can add the meeting to their calendar.

Registration management is located at the bottom of your meeting information page. To make changes to registration, click the "Edit" link on the right side. For more information about the settings, we recommend checking Zoom's support article.

Yes, this is possible by enabling meeting authentication. Zoom's registration system will validate the participant's submitted email against your meeting requirements and stop them from registering if their email address does not match.

If your report does not reflect what you expect, or you see an error that starts with "Unable to generate report..." where the Download button would be, refer to Additional Information below.

If your report is empty or you receive the following error, "Unable to generate report since the meeting does not require registration," where the Download button would normally be, try this: e24fc04721

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