I use this extension, ZenMate, I want to ask if using it is enough to keep me safe from some eyes (GOV, PUBLIC PLACES, ETC). And how can I be secured as fuck when using chrome? I don't want to be traced at all! I use incognito with all my accounts signed out, with Ghostery and Collusion. Should I use a live CD Tails to all my stuff I view anonymously? Or are the options I use enough?

In case you didn't have chrome://favicon permission initially, try adding it in optional_permissions. If it won't work, try adding to permissions but first test if it'll disable your extension on update.

Download Zenmate Vpn For Chrome

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ZenMate for Google Chrome claiming that they are using 256 bit AES encryption(which is most advanced) is it true?Internet security products do not work when ZenMate is enabled for chrome which is a bit disappointing if u download something and u do not know it contain virus (Internet Security Product is not monitoring) it should add virus protection module.

And the rules must be ordered so that this rule is hit before any other rule that the zenmate traffic may match. The policies are processed in order top to bottom and as soon as the traffic is matched we stop looking at further rules.

chrome extension zenmate - once the website which is blocked on the FW can be accessible if the ssl decryption is not enabled after connecting the zenmate. after the zenmate is connected and if the ssl decrypt is not enabled the blocked website will work , once you enable the ssl decrypt i.e ssl forward proxy it will start blocking the traffic as before so in this case connecting to zenmate chrome extension is of no use

zenmate application - zenmate installed app on local system behaviour is different as extension , ssl decrypt cannot block this . zenmate app is using IKE application to connect to the proxy server , we have to block the IKE application in the security policy and it will not allow the connection to be successful , but we have to keep in mind that IKE is been used for ipsec so if you have ipsec vpn then it can block the legitimate traffic . so in this case you can select the zone from may be trust to untrust i,e direct internet and apply the policy so it will only block the traffic which is gloing to untrust and not to the ipsec tunnel

We have a client who has a BYOD policy. The problem is that the some of the users have a Chrome SSL VPN extension installed, the one we found was called Zenmate. This is bypassing our Meraki MX84 firewall so none of the policies and rules are applying. Meraki was not able to provide a solution for this. We have tried Content Filtering, Layer3 and Layer7 rules but no luck. Meraki technical support said that we can use an application called System Manager but this requires an agent to be installed on the users device. Since it is a BYOD users are not going to let us install an agent on the device. I've read up on Palo Alto SSL Decryption but that means buying a new firewall not really an option. Question is what else can be done. I've also read that because it is an extension in chrome it behaves differently vs an installed VPN application (not sure if this is true).

we have blocked the VPN's through the MX84 as well as the common ports used by VPN's however the chrome vpn extension behaves differently. I suggest you download it and try it to see what I mean. All of the users that have BYOD are on a different subnet so if you can explain what you mean by filter the whole of the internet and block any VPN's.

I will test this extension with my WatchGuard firewall that has DNSWatch enabled. All DNS queries go through WatchGuard's DNSWatch servers if DNSWatch is enabled and enforced, regardless of whether or not the client device has its own DNS servers set. WatchGuard's HTTPS Deep Packet Inspection may block this extension when DPI is enabled.

Another method might be to use one's firewall as the DHCP server for BYOD devices, and have its IP handed out via DHCP as the DNS server, then use the firewall to allow outbound DNS queries only from the firewall itself. BYOD devices trying to use other external DNS servers would not reach them. In the firewall, block the zenmate domain or IP ranges.


The 'Platforms That Are Compatible With ZenMate VPN' article looked promising, and sure enough, it included links to setup articles for Android, iOS, desktops and OpenVPN. But the mobile and desktop links opened a new tab at the support site, then automatically redirected to the zenmate.com front page, presumably because the original article no longer exists. And although the OpenVPN page pointed to tutorials for Windows, Ubuntu, Chromebook, Raspberry Pi, macOS and 'More Devices', those links also redirected to the regular ZenMate.com home page.

ZenMate, a VPN provider with over 43 million users, offers multiple browser extensions to use their VPN with. As of the time of this writing the browser extensions have a combined total of ~3.5 million users. The ZenMate VPN clients for both Chrome & Firefox trust the (previously) expired domain name zenmate.li which can make privileged API calls to the browser extension via message passing. I saw that this domain name was unregistered and bought it to both prove the issue and mitigate the vulnerability (since nobody else can buy it now that I own it). By hosting scripts on this domain it is possible to make use of the privileged APIs exposed via the page_api.js Content Script. After reaching out to the vendor they pushed out a fix very quickly and it is available in the latest version of the extension.

The above shows that the Content Script scripts/page_api.js is run on all pages matching the patterns listed above. One of these is the *://*.zenmate.li/* pattern, which was the expired domain name that I bought.

Upon an arbitrary user with the ZenMate VPN extension installed visiting the zenmate.li page with this payload hosted on it, we can extract all of the sensitive user information for the victim. The following is an example of the data you can steal (I used a temporary account I created for this demo): 2351a5e196

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