I'm following this tutorial to install a fresh copy of Cent OS 7 and Zabbix 3.4. I've gone through the entire tutorial and have Zabix front end up and running. During the tutorial, when I got to step "Import initial DB schema and Data" I received the error "gzip: /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql-3.4.12/create.sql.gz: No such file or directory". When i try to log into Zabbix web-server I get the error "Cannot connect to the database: The frontend does not match Zabbix database." I checked in mysql and there is a database called "zabbix", but there are no tables inside of it. I ran the command "rpm -ql zabbix-server-mysql" and do see a directory called "user/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql-3.4.12/create.sql.gz". Outside of the several hours I've spent troubleshooting this, I have VERY little Linux knowledge. I've used up my googlefoo, and am in need of some help. Any ideas on how to proceed? Thank you!

but when i get to cd database/mysql i don't really know where i should go, I tried /var/lib/mysql but then when i get to this step mysql -uzabbix -p zabbix < schema.sql there is no schema.sql and i can't find it anywhere. So how can i find/create it or is it with a new name.

Download Zabbix-sql-scripts Mysql Server.sql.gz

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If you installed from package repositories, it depends on the distribution and repository.For example, if you installed from the Zabbix repository on a RedHat system, the SQL might be located in /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql-3.0.0/create .

Some packages might combine those three SQL files in one, so you will only have create.sql.gz. You can import it directly as "zcat create.sql.gz | mysql zabbix". If you want to see the SQL file, you can extract it with 'tar -xvf create.sql.gz' in a single step.

This manual: _from_packages/server_installation_with_mysql requires a file "/usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql-3.2.3/create.sql.gz" to be created during the installation due to its necessity to create zabbix DB on MySQL server. But this file appears missing:

1.2 Installing Zabbix ServerOnce you have added the Apt repository, install the Zabbix server package using the following command

Package zabbix-server-mysql contains Zabbix server with MySQL support.

Package zabbix-frontend-php provides a web interface to Zabbix server.

During the installation the installer will request to put a password for the user root of the mysql server. You can choose the password you like (we'll refer from now on to this password as MYSQL_USER_PASSWORD_DEFAULT variable), however make sure you use the same password while configuring zabbix components later on.

Thanks for thism I want to migrate my database from 4.2 version running on 10.1.40-mariadb in RHEL 7 environment to a Zabbix 6.2 running on 8.0-mysql in an Ubuntu 20.04. Will it work the same way as it did for you?.It would be very helpful to know it.

I am currently working on moving physical zabbix server 4.2 version, that is running on Centos 7 to a Zabbix 6.2 , that is running on a Ubuntu 20.04 (focal). The 4.2 version is using mariadb and the 6.2 version is using mysql. will the procedure, still work

Once Zabbix has been installed the database needs to be configured. Logging into mysql may require sudo privilege to login. Once in mysql, the db will need to be created, zabbix user created, zabbix user permission granted, and set the log_bin_trust_function_creators. This is condensed into one SQL line below. It can be read in full on the Zabbix page from the link above. Please change zabbixPassword to a secure password:

The output shows that the source directory /var/lib/docker/volumes/4f2d463cfc4bdd4baebcb098c97d7da3337195ed2c6572bc0b89f7e845d27652/_data, in which data is persisted on the host, has been mounted at /var/lib/mysql, the server data directory inside the container.

The command mounts path-on-host-machine/my.cnf at /etc/my.cnf (the server configuration file inside the container), and path-on-host-machine/datadir at /var/lib/mysql (the data directory inside the container). The following conditions must be met for the bind-mounting to work:

The myapp1 container can then connect to the mysql1 container with the mysql1 hostname and vice versa, as Docker automatically sets up a DNS for the given container names. In the following example, we run the mysql client from inside the myapp1 container to connect to host mysql1 in its own container:

A server configuration file from the host has not been mounted, but the Docker environment variable MYSQL_LOG_CONSOLE is true (which is the variable's default state for MySQL 8.0 server containers). The MySQL Server's error log is then redirected to stderr, so that the error log goes into the Docker container's log and is viewable using the docker logs mysqld-container command.

With this command, the MySQL Server is started with a Docker image of the MySQL Enterprise Edition, and the host directory /path-on-host-machine/datadir/ has been mounted onto the server's data directory (/var/lib/mysql) inside the server container. We also assume that, after the server has been started, the required privileges have also been set up for MySQL Enterprise Backup to access the server (see Grant MySQL Privileges to Backup Administrator, for details). Use the following steps to back up and restore a MySQL Server instance.

Besides using MySQL Enterprise Backup to back up a MySQL Server running in a Docker container, you can perform a logical backup of your server by using the mysqldump utility, run inside a Docker container.

The following instructions assume that you already have a MySQL Server running in a Docker container and, when the container was first started, a host directory /path-on-host-machine/datadir/ has been mounted onto the server's data directory /var/lib/mysql (see bind-mounting a host directory on the data directory of the MySQL Server for details), which contains the Unix socket file by which mysqldump and mysql can connect to the server. We also assume that, after the server has been started, a user with the proper privileges (admin in this example) has been created, with which mysqldump can access the server. Use the following steps to back up and restore MySQL Server data:

On the same host where the MySQL Server container is running, start another container with an image of MySQL Server to perform a backup with the mysqldump utility (see documentation of the utility for its functionality, options, and limitations). Provide access to the server's data directory by bind mounting /path-on-host-machine/datadir/. Also, mount a host directory (/path-on-host-machine/backups/ in this example) onto a storage folder for backups inside the container (/data/backups is used in this example) to persist the backups you are creating. Here is a sample command for backing up all databases on the server using this setup:

In the command, the --entrypoint option is used so that the system shell is invoked after the container is started, and the -c option is used to specify the mysqldump command to be run in the shell, whose output is redirected to the file all-databases.sql in the backup directory.

Start a container with an image of MySQL Server to perform the restore with a mysql client. Bind-mount the server's data directory, as well as the storage folder that contains your backup:

MYSQL_LOG_CONSOLE: When the variable is true (which is its default state for MySQL 8.0 server containers), the MySQL Server's error log is redirected to stderr, so that the error log goes into the Docker container's log and is viewable using the docker logs mysqld-container command. 17dc91bb1f

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