The show is about Yoo Jae-suk and Jo Se-ho who enter ordinary people's everyday lives, chat with them, and give them surprise quizzes. The talk and quiz show program will spotlight these people's lives and aims to gift them a refreshing, different kind of day.[9]

The show temporarily ended for the year due to the seasonal cold weather making the interview almost impossible for the casts and participants. The show will continue in 2019 once the weather has warmed up.[3]

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The Annual Filing Season Program is intended to recognize and encourage the voluntary efforts of non-credentialed tax return preparers to increase their knowledge and improve their filing season competency through continuing education. The program is not directed at or necessary for credentialed preparers such as attorneys, CPAs, enrolled agents, enrolled retirement plan agents or enrolled actuaries. They are already in possession of higher-level qualifications.

Those who are exempted from the AFTR course must meet the alternative requirements (15 hours of IRS-approved CE, consent to Circular 230 practice requirements, and a valid PTIN for the upcoming filing season) in order to receive an AFSP Record of Completion. Once all requirements are met, the exempted return preparer will be issued a Record of Completion.

The IRS believes in a mandatory competency standard for federal tax return preparers. To this end, legislation continues to be our priority. In the interim, however, this program recognizes the efforts of unenrolled return preparers to improve their professional competency through continuing education. Anyone with a PTIN can prepare a federal tax return, but for those preparers with a PTIN who also work to ready themselves for the filing season through educational efforts, the program affords them a level of differentiation from the rest of the marketplace.

The block is open for inspection and thousands of fans turn up for their very own tour of the completed apartments. The contestants have spent a gruelling eighty eight days renovating a total of ninety five incredible rooms.

When you add an Octane AI product quiz to your Shopify store, customers can answer a series of questions, submit their email or phone number, and then they are shown recommended products based on their answers.

Now that you have data being sent from your quiz to your Klaviyo account, the next thing you want to do is create segments on Klaviyo based on this new data. This will allow you to target campaigns to specific types of customers.

Name your segment, select "Properties about someone" in the drop down, select "Octane: Quiz result" (or whatever the property is that you set when someone finishes a quiz), and then select "is set" in the second drop down to signify that we are filtering for only people who have taken the quiz.

Name your segment, select "Properties about someone" in the drop down, select "Skin_concern" (or whatever the property is that you set when someone answers the question in your quiz about what their skin concern is), and then select "equals" in the second drop down, and then select "Wrinkles" for the "Dimension Value"

Once you have quiz data inside of your Klaviyo account you can start to hyper-personalize your emails and text messages on Klaviyo. You can do all sorts of fun things based on this quiz data, from changing the subject line, to showing different images, to featuring different products.

Once you have quiz data inside of your Klaviyo account you can start to hyper-personalize not only text inside of your Klaviyo emails, but entire blocks. Blocks are part of an email, such as a text block, image block, buttons, products, and more.

You can use your quiz data to dynamically show, or not show, certain blocks inside of your email. So for example you could show one block of recommended products to shoppers who took your quiz and matched with the "Cloud 9" eye lashes, and you could show a different block of recommended products to shoppers who took your quiz and matched with the "Silver Lining" eye lashes.

For this example we have a quiz property "lash_quiz_results" that we have synced from Octane AI when someone finished a quiz and then the value that gets set is the name of the lash the quiz recommended to you. Our two values are "Cloud 9" and "Silver Lining". We will use this data to personalize what blocks show when.

Select an email account that has the Octane AI quiz data you want to test. For example we want to test someone who took the quiz and was recommended the "Cloud 9" lashes (so they have the property "lash_quiz_results" set as "Cloud 9"). 

You are now able to view what the email would look like when personalized based on it's quiz data. Make sure to try this with different combinations of quiz data to make sure that it is working how you want it to.

Quiz data doesn't only allow you to change subject lines, text in emails and text messages, or blocks in emails, you can also use the data to send people in entirely different directions in your automated flows.

In our example I will show you how to send an email in your flow with quiz results only to people who took the quiz, and skip that email for everyone who didn't take the quiz. You should be able to then apply this concept to any other scenario you want to do.

In the settings for the conditional split select "Properties about someone", select the property name you want to target by (for us we are looking for people who have taken the quiz which is "lash_quiz_results"), and then select "is set" meaning that someone has a value for that property (in our situation this means that they have taken the quiz since that property only gets set if they get to the end of a quiz).

There are a lot of things you can use quiz data for on Klaviyo, like a lot a lot, but here I have compiled a cheat sheet for you that you should probably keep open in a tab whenever working on your Klaviyo account.

We are passionate about enabling every merchant to personalize the experience for their customers. If you need help with setting up your quiz, syncing data, or personalizing your Klaviyo flows and campaigns, let us know. We are here to support you!

With QuizMe, the quiz questions are always the same unless you, the programmer, change them. Later, you can create MakeQuiz & TakeQuiz, an app that lets users of the app create and modify the quiz questions.

You create global variables by dragging in a initialize global name to block from the Variables drawer and double-clicking the default name "name" to change its name. The initialize global name to block has a slot for the initial value of the variable. The variable can represent a number or text, or even a list, for which you can plug in a make a list block into the variable definition.

Each time the user clicks the NextButton to proceed through the quiz, the app needs to remember which question it is on. In programming, to remember something, you define a new variable. In this case, the app needs to remember the current question number -- the index into the list QuestionList.

With App Inventor, you select particular items in a list with the select list item block. The block asks you to specify the list and an index--a position in the list. If a list has three items, the indexes 1, 2, and 3 are valid.

Now program the behavior of the NextButton. You've already defined the currentQuestionIndex to remember the question the user is on. When NextButton is clicked, the app needs to increment this variable, e.g., change it from 1 to 2 or from 2 to 3, etc., and then use the resulting value to select the new "current" question. For this behavior, you'll need the following blocks:

The first row of blocks increments the variable currentQuestionIndex. If currentQuestionIndex has a 1 in it, it is changed to 2. If it has a 2, it is changed to 3, and so on. Once the currentQuestionIndex variable has been changed, the app uses it to select the "current" question.

The blocks are executed in a right-to-left manner. The app first evaluates the index parameter of select list item, which is the variable currentQuestionIndex. The number is stored in currentQuestionIndex is used as the index when the select list item is executed.

When the NextButton is clicked for the first time, the increment blocks will set currentQuestionIndex from 1 to 2, so the app will select the second item from QuestionList, "who pitched the first perfect game of 2010?". The second time NextButton is clicked, currentQuestionIndex will be set from 2 to 3, and the app will select the 3rd question in the list, "who pitched the first perfect game of the modern era?"

What the app needs to do is ask a question-- check a condition-- when the NextButton is clicked, and execute different blocks dependending on the answer. One way to ask the question is to ask, "is the variable currentQuestionIndex already 3?" If the answer is yes, you should set currentQuestionIndex back to 0 so the user is taken back to the first question.

When the NextButton is clicked, the app first checks to see if currentQuestionIndex has a 3 in it. If it does, currentQuestionIndex is set back to 0 so that when 1 is added to it with the blocks below, it will be 1 and the quiz will loop back to display the first question. Note that only the blocks inset within the if-then block are dependent on the condition-- the increment and set set QuestionLabel.Text to blocks are executed under all conditions.

Next, you'll modify the app to make it easy to add and remove elements from the list. You'll rewrite the blocks so that they'll work on any list, not just one with exactly three items. To begin, add a fourth question to QuestionList and another answer into AnswerList. To do this, you will first need to expand the number of available slots by using the mutator. For more information on how to use the mutator, click here. The blocks should look like this:

You could just change the number 3 to a 4, and the app would again work correctly. The problem with this solution, however, is that each time you modify the questions and answers, you also have to remember to make this change. Such dependencies in a computer program often lead to bugs, especially as an app grows in complexity. It's much better to set the program up so that it will work no matter how many questions there are. Such generality is even more important when the list you are working with changes dynamically, e.g., a quiz app that allows the user to add new questions. e24fc04721

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