I think what is happening is that the GitLab CI endpoint expects the contents of the .gitlab-ci yaml file to be converted to json for the POST request, as opposed to directly sending the contents of the yaml file. See here.

From within a test repository, try it out by editing the .gitlab-ci.yml to have some invalid content. Then, try commiting the invalid .gitlab-ci.yml file. The commit should be rejected, preventing it from being pushed to the repository and breaking the CI build!

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@Santhakumar Is this a demo tenant you are trying to configure? If so, have you downloaded the appropriate VA image to use with your demo tenant? The standard production VA image will not work with demo tenants.

I did the validation, and got Valid! with the after_n_builds in comment section . I have also seen it should be supported (not sure if already or in the near future: -notes-for-codecov-v449#section-new ). Do you know if comment will default to value in notify or if both must be set for comment and check to wait?

Yep, this is about the only thing that all YAML parsers should agree on, that they can take normal JSON too, after that they diverge all crazy, see:

 GitHub cblp/yaml-sucksYAML sucks. Contribute to cblp/yaml-sucks development by creating an account on GitHub.

I thought CSV was actually quite well defined, proper cell encapsulation and escapaing and all?

But he is right, one YAML file that works in one YAML importer may not work in another (see the yaml-sucks github link above, it tests those).

It actually is standardized, but implementors have taken liberties with it, and some have been reluctant to updated from 1.1 to 1.2. Yes, YAML is complex compared to JSON, but it was designed to cover more use cases. The alternative might have led to multiple ad-hoc solutions sprouting up for those additional features.

Anyone noticing that ChatGPT will fabricate operationIds? It is not that it will use the wrong one, but rather it completely makes up operationIds. And sometimes there is a working valid openationId similar to the fabricated - i.e. real operationId might be getAllPostsById and ChatGPT will use getPosts. I am also finding that it is fabricating responses. For instance, Ill provide a return object with data ids and then it will use some of those for the next call and also make up some ids which then 404. Im not sure if it is related to the openapi.yaml file size, but I did notice these hallucinations once the file got around 1,000 lines or so.

Feels like how when you have had a long conversation with ChatGPT it will start to forget earlier parts of the conversation and then start making it up. Im guessing OpenAI is feeding the yaml file in as part of the conversation and aligning the system to pick the best api, but as the file grows it short circuits and hallucinates.

I have two yaml file (docker-compose.yml and cluster.yml) both these yml files has different network

The objective of this file is

I have to create two different zone cluster for R&D. Containers are running fine but when i did curl it show me peer reset

buf.gen.yaml is a configuration file used by the buf generate command to generate integration code for the languagesof your choice. This file is most often used with a module (but can be used with otherinput types), and is typically placed next to yourbuf.work.yaml file at the root of your Protobuf files:

Local plugins: If using a protoc plugin, the protoc-gen- prefix is assumed and you should omit it (forexample, go instead of protoc-gen-go). By default, the Buf CLI expects a protoc-gen- program to be on yourPATH so that it can be discovered and executed. This can be overridden with the path field below.

Optional. Only works with local plugins. Overrides the default location and explicitly specifies where to locate theplugin. For example, if a custom plugin called protoc-gen-foo is not located on your PATH, but is found atbin/proto/protoc-gen-foo, you can refer to it like this:

Optional. May be used along with the plugin field to pin an exact version of a remote plugin. In most cases, werecommend omitting revision, in which case the latest revision of that version of the plugin will be used(automatically pulling in the latest bug fixes). Example:

Optional. Only applies to the code generators that are built in to protoc. Normally, a plugin is a separateexecutable with a binary name like protoc-gen-. But for a handful of plugins, the executable used is protocitself. The following plugins result in invoking protoc instead of a dedicated plugin binary:

If the Protobuf file's package declaration conforms to thePACKAGE_VERSION_SUFFIX lint rule, the final two path elements areconcatenated and included after the ; element in the go_package result. The above example generates a Go packagewith a package declaration equal to weatherv1, which enables you to import Go definitions from a variety of generatedpackages that would otherwise collide (a lot of Protobuf packages contain the v1 suffix).

Optional. Controls what thejava_multiple_filesvalue is set to for all of the .proto files contained within the input. The only accepted values are false andtrue. Managed mode defaults to true (Protobuf's default is false).

Optional. Controls what thejava_string_check_utf8value is set to for all of the .proto files contained within the input. The only accepted values are false andtrue. If unset, this option is left as specified in your .proto files. Protobuf's default is false.

Optional. Controls what theoptimize_for valueis set to for all of the .proto files contained within the input. The only accepted values are SPEED, CODE_SIZEand LITE_RUNTIME. Managed mode will not modify this option if unset.

When managed mode is enabled,php_metadata_namespacedefaults to the default managed mode php_namespace value with \GPBMetadata appended to it. For example,acme.weather.foo_bar.v1 becomes Acme\Weather\FooBar\V1\GPBMetadata.

When managed mode is enabled,php_namespacedefaults to the package name connected by \ with each part in PascalCase. If part of the name is a reserved keyword,it appends _ at the end of that part. For example:

Optional. Controls what theruby_package valueis set to for all of the .proto files contained within the input. Managed mode's default value is the package namewith each package sub-name capitalized, with :: substituted for .. For example, acme.weather.v1 becomesAcme::Weather::V1. The default can't be set differently, but can be overridden or excepted for specific .protofiles.

After searching the error message more, I realize this could be an issue with the file type. So I copied and pasted the text from the .yml file into a blank .txt file. When I tried to run the conda command with that file, I received this message:

error when I did use wget. I recognized the html error form the curl command whilst perusing another thread so I tried both copying and pasting the rich text directly to nano AND using the exact wget command, both resulting in this same parsing error.

I looked this up on the forum and saw it connected with the first error I received after installation. I triple-checked that I was running the right version (my machine is a Mac) and even tried a OS X software update. However, it appears the machine is still running Maverick.

We recommend at least one replica for every 200 nodes, and no more than20 replicas. In production, we recommend a minimum of three replicas to reducethe impact of rolling upgrades and failures. The number of replicas shouldalways be less than the number of nodes, otherwise rolling upgrades will stall.In addition, Typha only helps with scale if there are fewer Typha instances thanthere are nodes.

You can use a combination of INSTALL_K3S_EXEC, K3S_ environment variables, and command flags to pass configuration to the service configuration.The prefixed environment variables, INSTALL_K3S_EXEC value, and trailing shell arguments are all persisted into the service configuration.After installation, configuration may be altered by editing the environment file, editing the service configuration, or simply re-running the installer with new options.

As stated, the installation script is primarily concerned with configuring K3s to run as a service.

If you choose to not use the script, you can run K3s simply by downloading the binary from our release page, placing it on your path, and executing it. This is not particularly useful for permanent installations, but may be useful when performing quick tests that do not merit managing K3s as a system service.

Run the AWS CLI create-project or update-project command, setting the buildspec value to the path to the alternate buildspec file relative to the value of the built-in environment variable CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR. You can also do the equivalent with the create project operation in the AWS SDKs. For more information, see Create a build project or Change a build project's settings.

Run the AWS CLI start-build command, setting the buildspecOverride value to the path to the alternate buildspec file relative to the value of the built-in environment variable CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR. You can also do the equivalent with the start build operation in the AWS SDKs. For more information, see Run a build.

Any environment variables you set replace existing environment variables. For example, if the Docker image already contains an environment variable named MY_VAR with a value of my_value, and you set an environment variable named MY_VAR with a value of other_value, then my_value is replaced by other_value. Similarly, if the Docker image already contains an environment variable named PATH with a value of /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin, and you set an environment variable named PATH with a value of $PATH:/usr/share/ant/bin, then /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin is replaced by the literal value $PATH:/usr/share/ant/bin.

Any environment variables you retrieve from Amazon EC2 Systems Manager Parameter Store replace existing environment variables. For example, if the Docker image already contains an environment variable named MY_VAR with a value of my_value, and you retrieve an environment variable named MY_VAR with a value of other_value, then my_value is replaced by other_value. Similarly, if the Docker image already contains an environment variable named PATH with a value of /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin, and you retrieve an environment variable named PATH with a value of $PATH:/usr/share/ant/bin, then /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin is replaced by the literal value $PATH:/usr/share/ant/bin. e24fc04721

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