So my received emails with Yahoo account suddenly lagged like a day compared to other email accounts, I've noticed it this past week or two... even forcing to refresh the email via the Gmail app would not show new emails but then suddenly at a later time multiple emails would show up late.

You can access Yahoo! Mail through the tablets browser at and save it as a bookmark. Once you are on the page you can click Mail in the upper right corner and log into your Yahoo mail account. 

You can also add a bookmark to your phones homescreen to easily access your Yahoo mail account.

Instructions for adding a bookmark:

Download Yahoo Mail To My Phone

Download Zip 🔥 🔥

Has anyone experienced issues adding their Yahoo Mail Account to the Samsung Email App? I have a continuing issue where Samsung Email is unable to validate my Yahoo Mail however I get an email from Yahoo Stating that my account has been signed in through Samsung Email.

You're not alone. Same issues here. I've tried all sorts of things to access my Yahoo mail from Samsung's native e-mail app but no luck.

In the past, Yahoo mail had a setting where you could allow access to 'less secure deviced', which always did the trick. Now this setting has disappeared from Yahoo mail, so I'm clueless as to how to fix this.

No, I'm not installing the Yahoo mail app when I have a perfectly capable Samsung e-mail app. No need for 2 apps doing the same thing. As a workaround I now forward my Yahoo e-mail to a Gmail account. Not ideal but it does the trick for now.

I started having the same issue yesterday. I have tried literally everything. Resetting my phone, trying to change my Yahoo account security settings, deleting cache data. Nothing has worked. I tried logging in on the Samsung Email with a Google account and that works. I tried two Yahoo accounts and neither of those worked so I think the issue is the with the Samsung app itself.

In Email setop, choose Other, not Yahoo. Enter your email address, but then choose Manual Setup (You won't go to the automatic Yahoo sign-in screen. Choose Pop3 and enter your password. (also enter password for Outgoing server). You'll have access to you inbox, but not any subfolders you may have

I did find out on Android forums that it has something to do with the latest Chrome Update. Although it could be something happening to make email users change to the Gmail or Outlook or Yahoo mail. I like the Samsung Mail app. Used it for a long time.

I have a Motorola Droid M with an email problem that is really annoying. I delete my Yahoo emails from my PC but they still show up on my phone until I get in there and delete all of them again. What is wrong with the way this is set up please?

I had the same problem. Go to the Play Store on your phone and download Yahoo Mail. It syncs everything so now when I delete from either the phone or the computer, it deletes from the other automatically. It was someone working at a local Verizon store who told me to do this. Incidentally, someone at a different store told me that it wasn't possible. Go figure. I guess some employees are better trained than others.

Just an idea - do you have the Settings on your PC set to "Delete From Server" when they're delivered to your PC ??? Or are you suggesting that your using YAHOO online? (e.g., not Outlook or some other email software).

Not sure how my PC is set but Yahoo mail worked fine with my LG Vortex which I replaced with this Droid a month ago. Gmail does not have this issue. When I delete a Gmail on my PC, it comes off the phone as well. Now, I look on my phone and it's showing 201 emails in the Yahoo inbox!!! They all came back dating back to Dec 24th. My PC only shows 5 emails in it's inbox which is correct. Pretty cool phone except for this.

Well, your phone has it's own local storage (now?) ... So when your phone "syncs" up or downloads your email at any given moment, it's on the Phone's storage ... So even if you read it & delete it on your PC has no effect on the phone. Not sure how it worked with the Vortex ... maybe it was an "always online" email app & the msgs weren't stored on the phone ??

I don't understand what's going on at all. I delete the emails on both the PC AND the phone several times a day. These 201 emails that just showed up in my inbox had already been deleted over the last two weeks and magically reappeared this evening. It is going to be a real chore going back through and deleting these again w/o deleting the ones that I've been saving...

Tried that this afternoon. No change. New Yahoo emails show up in both places but need to be deleted separately unlike my other email accounts. Also strange is that there are 5 older emails on my PC that I am saving for future reference that do not show up on my phone(?)

I've been accessing my Yahoo mail account through the iOS Mail app for a long time. Yesterday I changed my Yahoo email password, and couldn't get the password updated in Settings. It kept saying the password was incorrect even though I know it was correct, and Yahoo notified me that I had signed into my account from iOS. So I deleted my Yahoo Mail account from my iPhone and tried to add it back again. Every time I try to do this, I can enter my email address and password, but then my iPhone goes right back to the "Add Account" screen with the list of email services on it, and my account has not been added. There is no error message. I tried selecting "Other" as the account type and entering the information manually, but I could not send or receive mail with the account that got created. I have tried restarting the phone several times but the results are the same each time I try to add my email account. I have an iPhone 6 running iOS 12.4.3. Can anyone help?

I can login to Yahoo mail on other non-Apple devices, browsers, etc. Different networks like work and at home. It's fine. It's just the Apple "Add Account" process isn't working. Whenever I enter my info, it does not tell me my user name or PW is wrong. It just loops back to the Apple "Add Account" screen where you choose mail providers like Yahoo, GMAIL, AOL, etc.

You've done a great job troubleshooting the issue up to this point. Have you tried using the iPhone on more than one network when you're setting up the email? If you haven't done so, that would be the next step I can provide. This will allow you to isolate the issue further. Verify that you've covered all the steps in this article: Add an email account to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

If you've tried more than one network, and you still can't set up your email account or save your email settings, contact your email provider for additional assistance. Here's the page for Yahoo technical support: Help for Technical Support.

UPDATE: Another odd thing I just noticed: I also now can't login to the Yahoo Fantasy sports app. Same issue. Won't accept my user name and PW. I immediately went to my laptop and logged in just fine. I can also login on Safari on my phone. Just not Yahoo APPS or the phone's Add Mail Account section.

This happened to me too yesterday. I changed my Yahoo password, my apple password, soft reset and hard reset. Nothing fixed it. No issues with desktop only ipad and iphone. Also, saw that Yahoo was not accpeting my ipad it kept coming up at like gecko when i looked in my yahoo security settings. So frusterating.

I am having the same issue. I changed my password about a month ago and was able to update it through the iPhone mail app with no issue. I had to change the password again 2 days ago and am able to log into my account on my iPad and MacBook, but not able to update the password through the iPhone mail app. I then deleted the account and tried to add it back in and now it looks like its going to accept the information but then it just takes me back to the add list again. Not sure what would have changed between a month ago and now to not allow this to work but I'm frustrated. I have updated my phone, restarted it, tried it on something other than my wifi, still nothing. I"m with the posted above. I've had this email for 15+ years, everything is tied to it, I'd rather be able to fix this issue without having to use to the yahoo mail app, then have to change my email address. It makes no sense as to why it all of a sudden won't update.

KiltedTim -so does it matter that I have changed my passwords? I can log in on my computer both at home and work with no problem. It is just on my ipad and iphone. I think it has to do with the update from this week.

No. The problem is that Yahoo has hundreds of mail servers. They quite often get out of sync with each other. You have no control over what server you happen to hit when you authenticate. Maybe you'll hit one that works, which happens most of the time, but you may hit one of the 'bad' servers, in which case it won't no matter what you do. Sometimes, trying from a different network will result in hitting a server that works. Continuing to try from the same network will repeatedly be directed to the bad one.

The Yahoo Mail app seems to always work, as does logging into Yahoo web mail from a browser. It's just mail clients that have problems. This is not limited to iOS, or Mac, it affects ALL mail clients. Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird, MS Mail, you name it. ff782bc1db

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