If I have understood the problem properly, you aren't able to push your changes to the remote repository, from your local project located under the xampp directory.And you're getting that error.The error you're getting is that git finds the git repository, but doesn't find anything to push to. First you need to set the remote repository url after cloning it using:git remote set-url origin "git repository url.gitYou need to set the "destination of your push", meaning the upstream in your first push using: git push -u origin your_branch

I find it easier to create a repo in github first, check the box for "add a readme" and then once you have a page, just do a git clone in your local environment. That way you can just type in git clone which you can copy and paste.

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In the resulting "Clone" dialog box, enter the clone URL obtained in the first step. Set the destination directory to the htdocs\ subdirectory of your XAMPP installation directory (typically, C:\xampp). Optionally, change the name of the subdirectory that will hold the downloaded code.

A list of additional features you can install is displayed. We'll install GitHub CLI, a tool for interacting with GitHub from the command line. To install this tool, type github, select GitHub CLI, then click OK, then select Keep defaults.

With this tutorial, I'm going to go from start to finish - from setting up a local testing environment, right through to the github stage. If you already have something like XAMPP or wamp installed on your PC, you can skip the first bits.

Navigate to a folder where you want the repository to reside. I'm all about neatness and want to keep all my repositories in one place, so have chosen C:\Users\mike\xampp\htdocs (The XAMPP location). That way I can run any PHP files that have been pulled. In there make a folder for the repository. It can be called anything but for constancy I'm naming it Foundation.less.

Follow the wizard started by the extension to give your app a name, choose a framework preset, and designate the app root (usually /) and built file location /dist. The wizard will run and will create a GitHub action in your repo in a .github folder.

So you found a cool Laravel project off Github.com and want to use it locally to play around with it, or learn from it. Or maybe you are following another DevMarketer project and are having trouble getting started from one of the github repos.

When we run composer, it checks the composer.json file which is submitted to the github repo and lists all of the composer (PHP) packages that your repo requires. Because these packages are constantly changing, the source code is generally not submitted to github, but instead we let composer handle these updates. So to install all this source code we run composer with the following command.

This is just like step 4, where we installed the composer PHP packages, but this is installing the Javascript (or Node) packages required. The list of packages that a repo requires is listed in the packages.json file which is submitted to the github repo. Just like in step 4, we do not commit the source code for these packages to version control (github) and instead we let NPM handle it.

That is all you need to get started on a project. Of course some projects will have specific steps that only apply to that project, and be sure to read the readme.md file on Github before you start customizing a project. This will often contain specific steps that are unique to that project, but the steps I have outlined above are the necessary steps you will need to follow to gt any standard Laravel project up and running from a github clone.

Deploying laravel project from github to a server is quite easy if you are using Cloudways to host Laravel project. With this platform you only have to connect your server with github repo and deploy in single click. 006ab0faaa

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