The concept of resources has been developed across many established areas of work, in economics, biology and ecology, computer science, management, and human resources for example - linked to the concepts of competition, sustainability, conservation, and stewardship. In application within human society, commercial or non-commercial factors require resource allocation through resource management.

The concept of a resource can also be tied to the direction of leadership over resources, this can include the things leaders have responsibility for over the human resources, with management, help, support or direction such as in charge of a professional group, technical experts, innovative leaders, archiving expertise, academic management, association management, business management, healthcare management, military management, public administration, spiritual leadership and social networking administrator.

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individuals exploit the same amount of resource per unit biomass) to absolutely size-asymmetric (the largest individuals exploit all the available resource). The degree of size asymmetry has major effects on the structure and diversity of ecological communities, e.g. in plant communities size-asymmetric competition for light has stronger effects on diversity compared with competition for soil resources. The degree of size asymmetry has major effects on the structure and diversity of ecological communities.

There are three fundamental differences between economic versus ecological views: 1) the economic resource definition is human-centered (anthropocentric) and the biological or ecological resource definition is nature-centered (biocentric or ecocentric); 2) the economic view includes desire along with necessity, whereas the biological view is about basic biological needs; and 3) economic systems are based on markets of currency exchanged for goods and services, whereas biological systems are based on natural processes of growth, maintenance, and reproduction.[1]

A computer resource is any physical or virtual component of limited availability within a computer or information management system. Computer resources include means for input, processing, output, communication, and storage.[3]

Natural resources are derived from the environment. Many natural resources are essential for human survival, while others are used for satisfying human desire. Conservation is management of natural resources with the goal of sustainability. Natural resources may be further classified in different ways.[1]

Dependent upon the speed and quantity of consumption, overconsumption can lead to depletion or total and everlasting destruction of a resource. Important examples are agricultural areas, fish and other animals, forests, healthy water and soil, cultivated and natural landscapes. Such conditionally renewable resources are sometimes classified as a third kind of resource, or as a subtype of renewable resources. Conditionally renewable resources are presently subject to excess human consumption and the only sustainable long term use of such resources is within the so-called zero ecological footprint, where in human use less than the Earth's ecological capacity to regenerate.

In economics, labor or human resources refers to the human effort in the production of goods and rendering of services. Human resources can be defined in terms of skills, energy, talent, abilities, or knowledge.[4]

In social studies, capital refers to already-produced durable goods used in production of goods or services. In essence, capital refers to human-made resources created using knowledge and expertise based on utility or perceived value. Common examples of capital include buildings, machinery, railways, roads, and ships. As resources, capital goods may or may not be significantly consumed, though they may depreciate in the production process and they are typically of limited capacity or unavailable for use by others.

Whereas, tangible resources such as equipment have an actual physical existence, intangible resources such as corporate images, brands and patents, and other intellectual properties exist in abstraction.[6]

When you specify the resource request for containers in a Pod, thekube-scheduler uses this information to decide which node to place the Pod on.When you specify a resource limit for a container, the kubelet enforces thoselimits so that the running container is not allowed to use more of that resourcethan the limit you set. The kubelet also reserves at least the request amount ofthat system resource specifically for that container to use.

If the node where a Pod is running has enough of a resource available, it's possible (andallowed) for a container to use more resource than its request for that resource specifies.However, a container is not allowed to use more than its resource limit.

If you set a memory limit of 4GiB for that container, the kubelet (andcontainer runtime) enforce the limit.The runtime prevents the container from using more than the configured resource limit. For example:when a process in the container tries to consume more than the allowed amount of memory,the system kernel terminates the process that attempted the allocation, with an out of memory(OOM) error.

CPU and memory are each a resource type. A resource type has a base unit.CPU represents compute processing and is specified in units of Kubernetes CPUs.Memory is specified in units of bytes.For Linux workloads, you can specify huge page resources.Huge pages are a Linux-specific feature where the node kernel allocates blocks of memorythat are much larger than the default page size.

CPU and memory are collectively referred to as compute resources, or resources. Computeresources are measurable quantities that can be requested, allocated, andconsumed. They are distinct fromAPI resources. API resources, such as Pods andServices are objects that can be read and modifiedthrough the Kubernetes API server.

Although you can only specify requests and limits for individual containers,it is also useful to think about the overall resource requests and limits fora Pod.For a particular resource, a Pod resource request/limit is the sum of theresource requests/limits of that type for each container in the Pod.

Limits and requests for CPU resources are measured in cpu units.In Kubernetes, 1 CPU unit is equivalent to 1 physical CPU core,or 1 virtual core, depending on whether the node is a physical hostor a virtual machine running inside a physical machine.

Fractional requests are allowed. When you define a container withspec.containers[].resources.requests.cpu set to 0.5, you are requesting halfas much CPU time compared to if you asked for 1.0 CPU.For CPU resource units, the quantity expression 0.1 is equivalent to theexpression 100m, which can be read as "one hundred millicpu". Some people say"one hundred millicores", and this is understood to mean the same thing.

CPU resource is always specified as an absolute amount of resource, never as a relative amount. For example,500m CPU represents the roughly same amount of computing power whether that containerruns on a single-core, dual-core, or 48-core machine.

Kubernetes doesn't allow you to specify CPU resources with a precision finer than1m or 0.001 CPU. To avoid accidentally using an invalid CPU quantity, it's useful to specify CPU units using the milliCPU forminstead of the decimal form when using less than 1 CPU unit.

For example, you have a Pod that uses 5m or 0.005 CPU and would like to decreaseits CPU resources. By using the decimal form, it's harder to spot that 0.0005 CPUis an invalid value, while by using the milliCPU form, it's easier to spot that0.5m is an invalid value.

When you create a Pod, the Kubernetes scheduler selects a node for the Pod torun on. Each node has a maximum capacity for each of the resource types: theamount of CPU and memory it can provide for Pods. The scheduler ensures that,for each resource type, the sum of the resource requests of the scheduledcontainers is less than the capacity of the node.Note that although actual memoryor CPU resource usage on nodes is very low, the scheduler still refuses to placea Pod on a node if the capacity check fails. This protects against a resourceshortage on a node when resource usage later increases, for example, during adaily peak in request rate.

To advertise a new node-level extended resource, the cluster operator cansubmit a PATCH HTTP request to the API server to specify the availablequantity in the status.capacity for a node in the cluster. After thisoperation, the node's status.capacity will include a new resource. Thestatus.allocatable field is updated automatically with the new resourceasynchronously by the kubelet.

Because the scheduler uses the node's status.allocatable value whenevaluating Pod fitness, the scheduler only takes account of the new value afterthat asynchronous update. There may be a short delay between patching thenode capacity with a new resource and the time when the first Pod that requeststhe resource can be scheduled on that node.

A Pod is scheduled only if all of the resource requests are satisfied, includingCPU, memory and any extended resources. The Pod remains in the PENDING stateas long as the resource request cannot be satisfied.

In the preceding example, the Pod named "frontend" fails to be scheduled due toinsufficient CPU resource on any node. Similar error messages can also suggestfailure due to insufficient memory (PodExceedsFreeMemory). In general, if a Podis pending with a message of this type, there are several things to try:

The amount of resources available to Pods is less than the node capacity becausesystem daemons use a portion of the available resources. Within the Kubernetes API,each Node has a .status.allocatable field(see NodeStatusfor details).

The .status.allocatable field describes the amount of resources that are availableto Pods on that node (for example: 15 virtual CPUs and 7538 MiB of memory).For more information on node allocatable resources in Kubernetes, seeReserve Compute Resources for System Daemons. 2351a5e196

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