Hello Team,

I am unable to work out why OS ticket will not let me upgrade to 1.17. I have unable to get anything going from 1.14 to 1.17, but when i go from 1.14 to 1.16 i get somewhere.

I have followed the procedure, but I seem to get stuck at changing the PHP version on the IIS 8 server here.

When i swap it to PHP version 7.3.7 to 8.1.1 i get the Internal server 500 error, when i swap it back to 7.3.7 i get the below window

In order to avoid the internal server 500 error you may want to disable all your plugins before the upgrade as there is a good chance it is a plugin which is causing the error. Certainly you will need the latest versions of the plugins obtained from the OsTicket.com / download website too, these are the most up to date and need to be updated along with the source code when changing to 1.17.

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Correct. Microsoft ended support for PHP 8+ back in 2020. 

That does not mean that you cannot get it to work... but I will say that after running osTicket under IIS for about ten years now, I have left Windows with IIS in favor of Linux with Apache for osTicket 1.17.

I was a huge fan of the "sky islands" world generation back in 1.17 and was saddened when it, along with the other alternative world gen options, were removed in 1.18. I did some searching but couldn't find any world gen datapacks for 1.19 that replicated the sky islands generation, although there were many results for older versions.

This release includes 82 bug fixes, vulnerability fixes, and minor improvements for Flink 1.17.Below you will find a list of all bugfixes and improvements (excluding improvements to the build infrastructure and build stability). For a complete list of all changes see:JIRA.

The latest Go release, version 1.17, arrives six months after Go 1.16.Most of its changes are in the implementation of the toolchain, runtime, and libraries.As always, the release maintains the Go 1 promise of compatibility.We expect almost all Go programs to continue to compile and run as before.

In Go 1.16, on the 64-bit x86 and 64-bit ARM architectures onOpenBSD (the openbsd/amd64 and openbsd/arm64ports) system calls are made through libc, insteadof directly using machine instructions. In Go 1.17, this is alsodone on the 32-bit x86 and 32-bit ARM architectures on OpenBSD(the openbsd/386 and openbsd/arm ports).This ensures compatibility with OpenBSD 6.9 onwards, which requiresystem calls to be made through libc for non-staticGo binaries.

If a module specifies go 1.17 or higher, the modulegraph includes only the immediate dependencies ofother go 1.17 modules, not their full transitivedependencies. (See Module graph pruningfor more detail.)

For the go command to correctly resolve transitive imports usingthe pruned module graph, the go.mod file for each module needs toinclude more detail about the transitive dependencies relevant to that module.If a module specifies go 1.17 or higher in itsgo.mod file, its go.mod file now contains anexplicit requiredirective for every module that provides a transitively-imported package.(In previous versions, the go.mod file typically only includedexplicit requirements for directly-imported packages.)

Since the expanded go.mod file needed for module graph pruningincludes all of the dependencies needed to load the imports of any package inthe main module, if the main module specifiesgo 1.17 or higher the go tool no longerreads (or even downloads) go.mod files for dependencies if theyare not needed in order to complete the requested command.(See Lazy loading.)

Because the number of explicit requirements may be substantially larger in anexpanded Go 1.17 go.mod file, the newly-added requirementson indirect dependencies in a go 1.17module are maintained in a separate require block from the blockcontaining direct dependencies.

To facilitate the upgrade to Go 1.17 pruned module graphs, thego mod tidysubcommand now supports a -go flag to set or changethe go version in the go.mod file. To convertthe go.mod file for an existing module to Go 1.17 withoutchanging the selected versions of its dependencies, run:

By default, go mod tidy verifies thatthe selected versions of dependencies relevant to the main module are the sameversions that would be used by the prior Go release (Go 1.16 for a module thatspecifies go 1.17), and preservesthe go.sum entries needed by that release even for dependenciesthat are not normally needed by other commands.

The -compat flag allows that version to be overridden to supportolder (or only newer) versions, up to the version specified bythe go directive in the go.mod file. To tidya go 1.17 module for Go 1.17 only, without savingchecksums for (or checking for consistency with) Go 1.16:

Note that even if the main module is tidied with -compat=1.17,users who require the module from ago 1.16 or earlier module will still be able touse it, provided that the packages use only compatible language and libraryfeatures.

If the main module specifies go 1.17 or higher,go mod vendor now omits go.modand go.sum files for vendored dependencies, which can otherwiseinterfere with the ability of the go command to identify the correctmodule root when invoked within the vendor tree.

Go 1.17 implements a new way of passing function arguments and results usingregisters instead of the stack.Benchmarks for a representative set of Go packages and programs showperformance improvements of about 5%, and a typical reduction inbinary size of about 2%.This is currently enabled for Linux, macOS, and Windows on the64-bit x86 architecture (the linux/amd64,darwin/amd64, and windows/amd64 ports).

JavaScript and TypeScript have provided IntelliSense for import paths ever since VS Code 1.9. However, you may not have known about this feature because it required manually triggering IntelliSense while typing the import. With VS Code 1.17, we now automatically show module and path suggestions as soon as you start typing an import or require path:

Satellite Issues - WRC-23 agenda item 1.17 - Study of technical and operational issues, and regulatory provisions for satellite-to-satellite links in the frequency bands 11.7-12.7 GHz, 18.1-18.6 GHz, 18.8-20.2 GHz and 27.5-30 GHz

The Kubernetes Volume Snapshot feature is now beta in Kubernetes v1.17. It was introduced as alpha in Kubernetes v1.12, with a second alpha with breaking changes in Kubernetes v1.13. This post summarizes the changes in the beta release.

Java 8 or 11 for 1.16 versions and Java 16 on 1.17 is quite jump I'd assume in code so modloaders will want to take advantage of that and the differences between those versions of Java possibly having different names/formatting of code or features.

Otherwise while 1.16.5 mods for Fabric were capable ports during snapshot they eventually didn't. It's best to just go with the 'strict' version of 1.17 only mods rather than thinking 1.16.5 mods will work on 1.17. If you still have mods you want on 1.16.5 than stick with 1.16.5 or just like many of us have fun exploring whatever new or old but quickly ported over is on 1.17 even for how few are there yet.

If your using Fabric myself and many others (referring to players not mod developers) have tested the differences. Forge will likely have 1.17 only support I assume. Only sometimes like 1.9.4 to 1.10.2 or 1.12 to 1.12.2, even 1.16.2 to 1.16.5 sort of situations where nothing too major happens can you have support across versions, they may be just 1 bug fix and aren't that different, but this usually doesn't happen often depending on the changes the modloaders have, Java or whatever Mojang does that requires a change.

Yes! I actually have some 1.16.5 mods that are working in 1.17.1! Though they say they aren't compatible, they still work like a charm. But you just have to know which ones are going to work and it's mostly a guessing game by this point. I'm about to see if useful backpacks might work.

The Java version only sets the minimum required version - you can run code compiled for Java 8 on Java 16; 1.6.4 was compiled with Java 6 and 1.5 and older used Java 5 (if you try running 1.17 on Java 15 or earlier you'll get a "UnsupportedClassVersionError"). The only exceptions are when mods rely on certain core Java classes or bugs (e.g. Forge for 1.6.4 and older versions crash on Java 8 without a patch due to a bug within Forge which was hidden by a bug in Java itself (modifying a list while iterating over it is bad programming practice and usually throws an exception but the JVM did not detect this particular case until Java 8), but vanilla 1.6.4, as well as my own non-Forge mods, run with no issues; likewise, there is some issue with "launchwrapper", which many mods (but again, not my own) use, which fails on Java 9 and later). There may be other incompatibilities but Java is generally good at keeping backwards compatibility (for example, they still use a poor quality RNG for their "Random" class, which if ever changed would break world generation in every version up to at least 1.17).

The main reason why mods only run on a particular version is obfuscation, where class names and methods are assigned random names like "abc.class" to help prevent reverse-engineering (not that it stops modders, and ironically, Mojang now releases mappings. However, this still helps protect their IP since the obfuscation process also rearranges the code so even if you decompile and deobfuscate it using the original names it won't match the original source and needs various patches applied to fix errors, hence the game is still officially closed-source). I assume that mods that can run on multiple versions rely on a mod API being unchanged (for the particular methods they use) and only call methods within the API, but any direct references to Minecraft code will break with even minor updates (this is why I have versions of my "old caves" mod for multiple 1.7 versions, even though the code itself is exactly the same, only the obfuscated names differ). 2351a5e196

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