This post is a list of uplifting words that may help you encourage yourself, your friend, or even the people in your workplace. We have gathered 161 words of encouragement that can brighten up your day and bring you positivity.

First, we give you words of support and strength that may uplift your spirit and give you the courage you need. They are words of inspiration and encouragement from people who have experienced their own struggles and eventually turned the tides.

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Additionally, your words of inspiration and strength need not be limited to your friends and family. With such power to encourage, you can even spread positive vibes in your workplace (or to a friend struggling over his work or business).

Finally, before we conclude this post, we would like to share with you some spiritual words of encouragement. These inspirational messages are spiritual quotes from the Bible, which you or your friends may use in times of distress and helplessness.

There are times when you only need spiritual uplifting words of encouragement and healing. You may or may not believe in the Bible, but you may want to consider the power of the following biblical passages.

Whether it's a friend, loved one, or colleague who's going through a difficult time right now, below are some tips and a whole bunch of examples of words of encouragement you can use to help you lift some weight off their shoulders.

We felt this opportunity was a new and unique way to provide the opportunity and encouragement to our employees in stores across the country to become more involved in the democratic process without worrying about sacrificing a shift at work.

But, over the past decade, with encouragement and funding from the Gates Foundation, the field has agreed on a standard assay and designated just a few laboratories that are certified to carry out standardized testing for all vaccine candidates.

Dear students, just writing a few words to acknowledge your hard work and passion at making your (and your families) life better. Do not stray, it will worth every nickel and every drop of sweat, I warranty you. You are awesome!

May your experiences of place and people feed your spirit and fulfill you in a way that makes it possible to share and pass on your gifts with others. and please remember there are many unseen hands and voices who hold you and call out their encouragement to, and pride in, you.

I am moved by your courage to show up, pursue your dream and your passion in the face of many difficulties and barriers. It is a privilege to play a small support in supporting you and cheering you on. May you be inspired by what you are learning, may you reach out for help when the going gets tough and may you sense the encouragement all around you as you engage with the work or learning and living, day by day, week by week. I am proud of what you are doing, great work.

With this small gift are my prayers for health and safety for you and yours, praise in your successes, in your determination and strength to continue on your path, encouragement of your many continued successes. Also to suggest to focus, as you work through the injustices, hardships, pain and more, on the strengths, the strong foundations you are building, and confidence you share with yours.

I want to share with you some words of encouragement that I would tell my past self nine years ago today. I hope you can relate and choose your own words of encouragement that we all so desperately need.

I really love this site and I had gain a lot of information regarding different articles and threads. It really helped me a lot on what kind of resources I need and what style of questions I need to focus before I take this monster down (NCLEX) lol. I am really anxious in taking the exam but really excited and ready for I have been studying for the last 3 months and most of all I have God with me all the way. I believe in him so much that I would remind myself everyday that I need not to be scared for God is with me. I make sure that at the end of the day with almost all my time answering questions and reading information, I would set time to Him and ask for guidance all the time and most of all thanking him for giving me a purpose in life. I really had a hard time at first but through Him I was able to managed. I know Im gonna pass this test. This is for my parents, my family, friends, my grandfather and most of all to God. I only have 11 days before I take my exam and I would really appreciate your simple prayers for me, words of encouragement and final tips before my final countdown. And whatever happens if it is the will of God i would accept it wholeheartedly.

Questions containing the words initial, first, priority- is asking for your prioritizing skills. The choices are usually all correct but only one should be done first. When prioritizing, you should always remember the following:

Within a couple of hours, that simple prayer was answered. To my amazement, a piece of paper appeared from under my door. Curious as to what it was, I opened it immediately. The words written were exactly what I needed to hear. Words of hope. Words that reminded me I was not alone. Words that gave me the strength to face another day. Words of encouragement.

Frankly, it is very difficult for someone to achieve a goal without encouragement and support. Some of the greatest influencers have been those who have received support and strength from others. 

Encouragement is a gift that we all have the ability and resource to give. There is no I.Q. requirement or special talent needed to be an encourager. All you have to do is have a desire to use your life and your words to encourage the people positioned around you.

There's no guidebook for what to do after receiving an HIV diagnosis; there are as many ways to react to a positive HIV test as there are people who have been diagnosed. After taking a deep breath, and realizing you are not alone, you may want some advice on how to cope from a community of women like you. Browse through these pages and let the words of women who have been in your shoes give you the strength to face the future -- and yes, there can be a very bright future after testing positive.

When I wrote the book Interviewed a number of personal finance and career experts. There was one question that I asked each of them: what is a word of encouragement you would like to share with student loan borrowers?

As clich as it might sound, sometimes the words "I love you" can make a huge difference. Do you say them often enough? Do the people you love actually hear them from you? Consider these phrases to combine that all-important sentiment with encouragement.

Taking on a new challenge or overcoming an old one is always a struggle. Finding the right words to help can be too. When a loved one is taking on a challenge, they may complain or vent to you. Your words should focus on being both positive and motivational as well as honest.

There's no harder situation than trying to keep up the spirits of a person in deep, real pain. In situations like the loss of a loved one or a frightening medical diagnosis, there's not much to do beyond using carefully chosen words to connect with loved ones.

Showing thanks to a loved one can be done with deeds as well as words. Flowers or cards can go a long way, but so can a simple statement of gratitude. Showing appreciation is a great way to provide encouragement to someone you love by recognizing all that they do for you.

"Thank you," "I appreciate you" and "I couldn't have done it without you" can be conveyed via spoken remarks, emails or letters. These words encourage people by letting them know they are valued and appreciated.

Scripture is filled with encouraging Bible verses that provide an uplifting word of hope and inspiration for your day. The Scriptures quotes below can give you daily encouragement and provide the strength to persevere through life's challenges. God wants us to comfort us in times of need. If you are feeling overwhelmed and anxious, the Bible can lift your spirits and give you a fresh start! Read these verses from the Holy Bible about encouragement and experience God's healing power for your heart and soul. Meditate on these verses throughout the day and share them with your friends so you can send encouragement and impact someone else's day!

The best way to fight discouragement is by meditating on words of encouragement! To assist you in finding or offering others an uplifting word of encouragement, we have gathered this collection of over 100 encouraging Bible verses to grow your faith. May these Scripture quotes help you find renewed strength today - and share them with others!

You are so very, very welcome. And your words have truly blessed me as well. Truly. I have been struggling with what I have to say here on this blog lately, and hearing that it has blessed you and nourished you gave me tears. We all struggle. We all need each other to remember our purpose. Thank you and please do write me and keep me posted on your journey. Hugs to you!!

Thank you for this encouragement, hope and wisdom. For a long time I have feared failure and have gotten distracted from my dreams as an artist and healer. To the point where it has been tempting to think of giving up on life ( in the worst sense of the word.) It means alot and I know I just need to believe in me and I was born and meant to be here. Have you ever been in that place in your life where you were discouraged and doubted yourself?

Most research on the effects of praise versus encouragement has been conducted in a classroom setting, but the range of ages included in these studies taken in combination with a few fringe cases that examine praise and encouragement in other settings give us good reason to believe their findings are generalizable.

One of the key ways words of encouragement for employees are distinct from praise is that they focus on the deed, not the doer. Person praise focuses on complimenting the individual rather than the action or outcome, which can cause problems for employees. ff782bc1db

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