Already feel comfortable with the basics? Jump into the complete list of commands for detailed information on managing themes and plugins, importing and exporting data, performing database search-replace operations and more.

GitHub issues are meant for tracking enhancements to and bugs of existing commands, not general support. Before submitting a bug report, please review our best practices to help ensure your issue is addressed in a timely manner.

Download Wordpress Command Line


WP-CLI is a command-line tool designed for managing WordPress installations. It empowers developers, administrators, and site owners to interact with their websites directly from the command line, bypassing the need for manual interventions through the web interface.

If you need to import data, the wp db import command facilitates this process. For example, if you have a database backup named backup.sql, executing wp db import backup.sql restores the database to a previous state.

Manipulating themes is extremely efficient with WP-CLI. For example, the wp theme install command lets you install a theme directly from the official WordPress theme repository. To install the "Twenty Twenty-One" theme, you can use the command wp theme install twentytwentyone.

WP-CLI is a command-line tool for WordPress development and administrative tasks. It provides several commands that you can use to manage your WordPress website without needing to log in to the dashboard and navigate through the pages.

At this point, you can execute the wp-cli.phar file directly to access the WP-CLI tool. To make it available globally on the system, move it to your /usr/local/bin/ directory and rename it to wp. This ensures that you can access WP-CLI from any directory by entering the wp command at the start of a prompt:

You can install one or more plugins by using the wp plugin install command. You find the name of the plugin you want to install (in the slug column) and pass it as an argument to wp plugin install. You can also find the name of the plugin in the URL of the plugin page.

You can update plugins through the wp plugin update command. You can choose to update a set of plugins or all of them at once by appending the --all flag. For example, to update the akismet plugin, you can run the following command:

The wp theme command offers many subcommands that can help you achieve tasks like getting the details of a theme, checking if a particular theme is installed, or even deleting one or more themes. You can explore all of the options by prepending help before the subcommand, as in wp help theme or wp help theme install.

This command uses the --post_status flag to set the status of the post. Setting it to publish ensures that the post is published immediately after running the command. If you want to create a draft instead, set the --post_status flag to draft. The --post_title flag is how you can specify the title of the post, while --edit causes the post body to be opened in the default system editor (vim). You can find out the other flags that you can use in conjunction with the create subcommand by typing wp help post create in your terminal.

It is not uncommon for older sites to have tens or hundreds of revisions on their main pages due to years of editing and updating content. Revisions can be helpful in case you need to revert back to a previous version of your content, but they can also hurt the performance if there are too many. You can clean up all the post revisions in the WordPress database by executing the following command:

The command enclosed in the parenthesis is evaluated first and it will produce the ids of all the post revisions that are present passing them to the delete subcommand. The --force flag is necessary because posts of type 'revision' do not support being sent to trash.

For one-off queries, you can use the wp db query command by passing a valid SQL query as an argument to the command. For example, to list all the registered users in the WordPress database, you could run:

WP-CLI also allows you to back up your WordPress database. Running this following command will place a SQL dump file in the current directory. This file contains your entire WordPress database including your posts, pages, user accounts, menus, and so on:

WP-CLI has many more commands and options that you can familiarize yourself with to achieve even more on the command line without the web interface. Use wp help to find out all the things you can do with a specific subcommand. There are also many community tools that extend WP-CLI with even more features.

As the name suggests, this tool enables you to perform administrative tasks on your WordPress site using a command line. With this method, you can complete a task by simply typing in a line of code and hitting Enter.

This will download and extract WordPress in the current directory. You can also add additional parameters to refine the download further. For example, the locale parameter determines which translation of WordPress will be used. This command will download the Brazilian Portuguese version of WordPress:

As you can see, this is all fairly self-explanatory. Simply replace the example data in each parameter with your own values. To ensure that everything has worked as expected, you can use the following command to test the installation:

Before you manage existing comments, it can be helpful to get a current list. You can do this with the list command, and the results can be filtered in multiple ways. For example, using this command will return a table containing the comment ID and author name for all approved comments on the post with an ID of 3:

I'm creating a cron job that runs outside of WordPress. From a development perspective, this makes it really easy to debug and create cleanup scripts or cron jobs, by just running a command like the following on the command line:

Thanks a lot. I like the simplicity of this. However after trying it to command a device I had trouble using the serial port with another program, e.g. Reaterm. Had to power cycle to clear. How do I inspect or clear the serial port status to make sure it is in pristine power on condition. (I may try your ComPrinter as the other program to see if it also hangs.) Inspecting and clearing a serial port without having to cycle power would be good to be able to do.

Dear Sir

I need a command prompt or (a batch file) that can continuously send the ASCII code of a keyboard key when pressed to a specific serial port.

Also if it can prompt the user to enter the serial port number before starting that would be great.

Very helpful thread! I have been using it to operate a power generator through Command Prompt instead of PuTTy like I had been doing.

As you had suggested before, I have been using:

type mycommands.txt >\\.\COM4

 to control my power generator through a USB serial connection. When I want to set the voltage to 2 V, I put the generator-specific command VSET1:2 in mycommands.txt and everything works fine. However if I want to set the voltage to 2.2 V, I need to use the command VSET1:2.2 which does not work when entered into mycommands.txt (even though the command works fine if going through PuTTy instead).

You need to redirect the output to COM3 using the > character. Also, when used this way, the set command expects user input, so the way you wrote it will probably make it wait for something to be typed. In the example I used in the article, user input was simulated using

phpMyAdmin is an online software used for the administration of MySQL and MariaDB databases (the database types used by WordPress). It has a GUI that makes navigating and managing your database much easier than trying to do it all from the command line.

The following instructions are from the Answers-Installation page (merged by request) regarding how to reset your password through the MySQL/MariaDB command line. Since I'm not familiar with the process, and it looks like the one already posted. I'm not sharp enough with the code to tell if there is a difference.

You might have direct access to your MySQL/MariaDB database from the command line. Usually this is done by sitting at your server, connecting directly to your server via SSH, or using the MySQL client on your workstation to connect to your server. You must be in the correct context to successfully execute the mysql command mentioned below.

WP-CLI is the command-line interface for WordPress. You can update plugins, configure multisite installs and much more, without using a Web browser. It is already included with the Bitnami solution so you can start using it easily. In order to check that everything is working properly, you can run the info command:

To get the command line back, type in CUI, even though the command line is gone, you should still be able to type this in; alternatively, you can navigate to the Manage tab of the ribbon, Customization panel, and choose User Interface. In the pane on the left side, click on your current workspace. This will populate the pane on the right. Expand Palettes, and click on Command Line. This will populate the Properties pane just below.

Presently, Mr. Rogers is keeping up to date with the latest in technology and trends by attending seminars and conferences worldwide. He is an active blogger. Through his personal blog website (, he shares tips and solutions with Autodesk software issues.

Using the wp user command, you can create a user to add to your WordPress website. The steps below will guide you through the process of adding a user (with administrator privileges) from the command line.

Be sure to replace the ($user and $username) example values with your own custom values. When the command completes running you should see a successful message, as in the example output below:

There are a number of instructions for creating a MySQL database via the command line online. As with many instructions, many are overcomplicated, under-explained, or just plain confusing. This is a simple guide for someone who wants to simply set up a new database and user in MySQL. ff782bc1db

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