The Windows app opens and loads Slack but then Slack freezes. Even the quit button doesn't work. I have to force-ably shut it down via the task manager. The Windows app's menu bar does work but some of its corresponding actions don't (like quit that just simply closes the window but does not shutdown slack). The slack website does work.I tried

Hey everyone, I've started using multiple desktops on Windows 11 and I quite like them. The only program I use regularly that doesn't play well with it though is Slack since you can't open multiple windows of it. Does anyone know if this has already been requested, or if the Slack team has mentioned that they're working on it? Or if there's a way for me to submit feedback to them that I want to see this feature (I figure if enough people tell them, then they'll be more willing to add it).

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At some point my slack icon disappeared from the taskbar, and it turned out it was in the hidden icons popover(triggered by the arrow on the left of the icons list). I was able to put it back on the taskbar by simply dragging it there from the popover.

If you press alt-F2 and type lg Enter, you will wander behind the looking glass. There in the Windows tab, you can see wmClasses of windows and the desktop files they are associated with. Hopefully, this helps in debugging.

Our devs could, of course, open Tighten's slack in their browser. But even with pinned tabs, browser windows still sort of ebb and flow; an individual item in a browser doesn't get its own cmd-tab; and the browser doesn't get quite the same quality of some of the keyboard shortcuts and other system integrations.

After I enter the code sent to my email, the page redirects to the "Click the 'open app'" part, but I can't see any 'open app' option. Then, a secs later, the error page shows up. I click "Copy Sign-in Key" and open slack, but it's still not sign-in.

The minimum required CLI version for Enterprise Grid as of September 19th, 2023 is v2.9.0. If you attempt to log in with an older version, you'll receive a cli_update_required error from the Slack API. Run slack upgrade to get the latest version.

To get a service token, you'll use the slack auth token command to get a slackauthticket, which you'll copy and paste into your workspace to exchange for the service token. The service token will not be saved to your credentials.json file; instead, it is presented in the terminal for you to copy and paste for use in your CI/CD pipeline. Once copied, you'll use the slack login --auth command to authorize your Slack CLI. Detailed instructions are below.

Describe the bug

Slack is a desktop chat application on macOS. The window of the application is "immune" on BetterTouchTools action "Move Window One Space/Desktop Left/Right". I can move all other windows easily from one workspace to another but Slack window can't be moved. I trigger this action using keyboard bindings

I have a simple macro that moves and resizes the front window of the front application in response to a hot key. It works great for every application EXCEPT slack. Trying to run this macro in slack does not work at all.

Slack is indeed listed, but I can't control the slack window which I change "front application" to "Slack". I've tried a bunch of other applications (Word, Illustrator, Todoist) and all work except for slack.

To compile Electron Apps into the Windows Store application format AppX, we contributed heavily to electron-windows-store, which automates the path from pure Electron app to AppX. In detail, the tool does the following operations:

To open entire channels or direct conversations in their own dedicated windows, just click on them while holding the Ctrl key (Windows) or the Cmd key (Mac). You can also right-click on the conversation and choose Open in new window.

deps.exe has never been signed (neither has bb.exe, and other executables I provide). There have been a few occassions in which the executable was flagged as malware by the windows virus scanner, which can be reported as a false positive and is usually quickly resolved, but it can happen. Signing should help prevent this

By default and by definition, a task with zero (0) slack is considered a critical task. If a critical task is delayed, the project finish date is also delayed. To build some slack into your critical path, you can change the default setting for slack in the Tasks are critical if slack is less than or equal to box on the Calculation Options tab of the Project Options dialog box (File > Options). For more information, see Show the critical path of your project and How Project schedules tasks: Behind the scenes.

To make sure your project finishes on time, try optimizing tasks that have slack and are not on the critical path. For example, use free slack to delay a task, or assign its resource to another task to help prevent the schedule from slipping.

If a task that is constrained to a date has a predecessor that finishes too late for the successor to begin on the date specified in the constraint, negative slack can occur. Negative slack will even further constrain the end date of your project.

Deadline dates can affect the total slack on tasks. If you enter a deadline date before the end of the task's total slack, total slack will be recalculated by using the deadline date rather than the task's late finish date. The task becomes critical if the total slack reaches zero.

The amount of slack in your schedule indicates how long tasks can be delayed before other tasks or the project finish date are affected. If you know where slack occurs in your schedule, you can move tasks when certain phases of the schedule have no slack and other phases have too much.

Free slack is the amount of time a task can be delayed before its successor task is delayed. Use the Free Slack field to determine whether a task has any time available for a delay. This can be useful if a resource needs more time on a task, or if you want to assign a resource to another task. You can also use the Free Slack field to determine how to recover a schedule that is slipping.

Total slack is the amount of time a task can be delayed before the project finish date is delayed. Total slack can be positive or negative. If total slack is a positive number, it indicates the amount of time that the task can be delayed without delaying the project finish date. If total slack is a negative number, it indicates the amount of time that must be saved so that the project finish date is not delayed. Negative slack indicates that there is not enough time scheduled for the task and is usually caused by constraint dates.

Slack values may also indicate a schedule inconsistency. For example, a negative slack value occurs when one task has a finish-to-start dependency with a successor task, but the successor task has a Must Start On constraint that is earlier than the end of the first task. Negative slack can also occur when a task is scheduled to finish after its deadline date.

The Start Slack field contains the duration representing the difference between the early start and late start dates. The Finish Slack field contains the duration representing the difference between the early finish and late finish dates. The smaller of the start slack and finish slack amounts determines the amount of free slack available, that is, the amount of time a task can be delayed without affecting the start date of a successor task.

How Calculated Finish slack is the duration that represents the difference between the late finish and early finish dates. The early finish is the earliest date that a task could possibly finish. Likewise, the late finish field contains the latest date that a task can finish without delaying the finish of the project. Project calculates the finish slack as follows:

Example You are reviewing free slack in your schedule and want to see more details about how it was calculated. You add the Start Slack and Finish Slack fields to the task sheet and analyze the durations.

Hello, i use the program called "pidigin" to use Slack and Discord since it wont work in browsers for me in Windows XP. Things are fine with discord, but slack is having problems since about 1 month ago where it wont connect because of an certificate error. It first happened a month ago, and just randomly decided to work after a few hours and was fine ever since, until just tonight where the same error message has come up again. And it just wont ever connect now.

I posted about this on the original github "issues" site where i downloaded the slack plugin from here explaining this, and showing the debug window contents about what it said reguarding these certificate errors. I dont know if im ever going to get a response there anytime soon, if at all even.

But sadly it didnt help with pidgin and slack. Do i need an updated copy of this "dst root ca x3" , "ISRG Root X1", and/or "R3" to get the program to work somehow ? (based on what the debug information showed that i posted on the github page above. If so, where would i find these exactly ? Since the root updater program did not address it apparently. I'm hoping some people with more experience on the matter will know what to do.

Hi guys!

Please check Task Manager - Performance - Memory.

For me, my Figma project eats about 8 GB of RAM. If I close all apps it works just fine, if I open chrome, slack, youtube etc. it goes dark.

So check your memory, I think this is the cause

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