Mouse Hunt is a 1997 American slapstick black comedy film written by Adam Rifkin and directed by Gore Verbinski in his feature film directorial debut. It stars Nathan Lane, Lee Evans, Maury Chaykin, and Christopher Walken. The film follows two Laurel and Hardy-like brothers in their struggle against one small but crafty house mouse for possession of a mansion which was willed to them by their father. While the film is set in the late 20th century, styles range humorously from the 1940s to the 1990s. It was the first family film to be released by DreamWorks Pictures, who released it in the United States on December 19, 1997, to mixed reviews, but was a commercial success.

The brothers cannot sleep due to noises caused by a mouse. While investigating they discover the blueprints of the property, which reveal that the mansion was the final design of the famous architect, Charles Lyle LaRue, and would be worth a fortune if restored. The brothers decide to renovate and auction the mansion to recover their lives. They see the mouse again and Ernie, fearing a repeat of the cockroach incident, convinces Lars they must also get rid of it. Conventional methods fail when the mouse demonstrates himself to be exceptionally intelligent. The brothers resort to extreme measures to remove the mouse, including buying a monstrous Maine Coon cat named "Catzilla" and hiring an eccentric exterminator named Caesar; the mouse drops Catzilla to his death in a dumbwaiter, and traumatizes Caesar by dragging him around the mansion using his truck's winch line.

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Realizing the mouse's intelligence, the brothers become more and more desperate to kill him. Ernie chases the mouse with a shotgun and accidentally shoots a bug bomb Caesar had dropped, blowing a massive hole in the floor and sending him and Lars tumbling. As the brothers recover from the blast, Lars overhears Zeppco call and leave a voicemail, saying that they have taken back their proposal since Lars declined their offer and Ernie never showed up for the meeting. Angry at each other for their actions, the brothers get into a heated argument. Lars tries to throw an orange at Ernie, which misses him but hits the mouse, who is stunned but still alive. The brothers cannot bring themselves to finish him off, and instead mail him in a box addressed to Fidel Castro. The brothers reconcile and finish their renovations. On the night of the auction, Lars discovers the postal box returned due to insufficient postage and a hole chewed in it, while Ernie sees the mouse on his podium as he speaks to the bidders. As the auction begins, the brothers attempt to flush the mouse out with a garden hose, filling an inner wall of the mansion with water until it bursts, washing the bidders out and causing the estate to collapse. April leaves with a wealthy bidder and the brothers are now left with nothing, but take solace it that collapse that indeed finally killed the mouse.

The brothers spend the night in the factory, unaware that the mouse had survived, and followed them. Seeing their sorry state, the mouse takes pity on them and activates the factory's machinery, dropping a block of cheese into the wax boiler to produce a ball of string cheese. Inspired, the brothers end their battle with the mouse and renovate the factory to produce string cheese and other cheese-based products. Lars (now having formed a relationship with a Belgian model named Hilde) runs the factory with Ernie as the chef and the mouse as their new taste-tester for new cheese combinations. The film ends with a shot of Rudolf's lucky string (the last thing he gave the brothers before he passed) framed and with a plaque underneath saying his motto "A world without string is chaos.".

Regarding the digital special effects, Ebert deemed the film "an excellent example of the way modern advances in special effects can sabotage a picture (Titanic is an example of effects being used wisely). Because it is possible to make a movie in which the mouse can do all sorts of clever things, the filmmakers have assumed incorrectly that it would be funny to see the mouse doing them."[10]

MouseHunt is a popular game in which players, referred to as hunters, catch mice with a variety of traps and cheeses to earn experience points and virtual gold through passive gameplay. From time to time the developers add new locations and mice as well as sponsor thousands of dollars for periodic giveaways and tournaments. MouseHunt was developed by HitGrab Inc. as a Facebook application and released to a small group for beta testing in early 2008. On 7 March 2008, MouseHunt was officially released to the general public. Just nine months later, MouseHunt earned its creators a $250,000 development grant from Facebook and the game continues to grow in popularity.

When hunting with any of the new types of cheese, mice will also drop a very valuable ingredient called Mousedrake Root. Use this potent component to distill Baba Gaga's most powerful brew: Evil Extract!

A new, foul smelling incense from the insidious mind of Baba Gaga is an extremely useful motivational tool for anyone gathering ingredients this spooky season. This incense was designed to increase the productivity of her followers while being free to pursue other more sinister schemes. Igniting this incense will add +1 to all ingredients dropped by a mouse in the Gloomy Greenwood, including Mousedrake Root! This incense can be ignited from the Gloomy Greenwood Heads-Up Display and is available from the Reward Track and the Premium Shop.

This potent chemical compound can be used to instantly finish any cauldron brew! Just add one for each hunt you have left in your brew and the cauldron will complete itself instantly! This wondrous powder is available from the Gloomy Greenwood Apothecary, the Reward Track, and the Premium Shop.

The Gloomy Greenwood has rewards in store for diligent hunters. Every time you brew a batch of Evil Extract, you will make progress on the Halloween Reward Track. There are many useful and exciting rewards awaiting you including Cursed Skulls, Spooky Shuffle tickets, Insidious Incense, and more!

Upon brewing 40 batches of Evil Extract and reaching the end of the Reward Track, Baba Gaga's Boon will become active in the Gloomy Greenwood! While hunting with Baba Gaga's evil enchantment in effect, mice will occasionally drop a random assortment of exciting potions!

It made me even more angry after realizing that it was from dream doesn't change the fact that ratatouille is great,cause it has many things that mouse hadn't(unlike minecraft,which was the reason that the original game didn't get popular).however copy is copy,no mater what. While I found like around 10 people and 3 sites that talking about this,still it doesn't seems that it pointed enough campare to other knock offs

Both Monday and Friday Forest Playschool started the same - coloring pictures of salamanders at our carpet sqaures and then embarking on a mouse hunt in the garden. Emily and I told both groups that there were over 30 mice on the loose and that it was our job to round them up. The playschoolers were VERY excited about searching high and low for these mice. Friends were surprised to find mice of all colors and patterns! The brightly colored mice were the easiest to find since they didn't camoflague as well into the environment as the solid colored, more neutral toned mice. However, it did take us a long time to find some of the bright blue mice because they were blending into our blue trail signs!

After our mouse hunt, it was time for Morning Meeting so we returned to our pool-noodle circle to plan the day. Usuaully Emily and I will pick a playschooler to lead Morning Meeting and help plan our day, but since this was our first time together I modeled how to be the leader. I decided that we would spend our day exploring and getting familiar with Forest Camp, a play area just off the Hires Trail that has a fort, fire circle and plenty of materials for imaginative play and exploration. To get to Forest Camp we practiced walking with our pool noodles so that we would stay a safe distance apart from each other.

They get a voice message from La Corda Nostra which causes a huge argument between the two brothers, Ernie furious that Lars hid the offer from him and Lars furious that Ernie tried to go behind his back. This culminates with Ernie throwing a small orange at Lars which accidentally hits the mouse who was scurrying past on the mantelpiece, knocking him unconscious.

Production design by Linda DeScenna is an invaluable asset. In addition to creating the dilapidated mansion, she also designed a spectacularly grim city pound for the brothers to visit when they go looking for a mean, mouse-hunting cat. Composer Alan Silvestri provides a playful, mood-enhancing score. Other tech credits add to the fun.

"Mouse Hunt'' is not very funny, and maybe couldn't have been very funny no matter what, because the pieces for comedy are not in place. It's the story of two luckless brothers who inherit a priceless architectural treasure, and hope to auction it for a big bundle, but are frustrated at every turn by the house's only inhabitant, a very clever mouse. Quick: Who do we sympathize with? The brothers, or the mouse? The movie doesn't know, and as a result the payoffs are lost in a comic vacuum. Pratfalls, slapstick and special effects are not funny in themselves (something Hollywood keeps forgetting). They're only funny when they apply to someone we have an attitude about, so that we want them to succeed, or fail. A comedy that hasn't assigned sympathy to some characters and made others hateful cannot expect to get many laughs, because the audience doesn't know who to laugh at, or with.

Sort of cute. It has been cinematically assembled from many sources (real trained mice, animated mice, an animatronic mouse for the closeups) but it has never been given a goal in life, other than to function as a plot device. Is the mouse intelligent? Does it know and care what is happening? Or is it simply a movie prop to be employed on cue? We aren't told, and we don't know. Because the mouse has no personality or personal history, because it has no particular goals other than to continue being a mouse, it isn't a sympathetic character, but simply an ingenious prop. 2351a5e196

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