Windows Firewall Control is a powerful tool which extends the functionality of Windows Firewall and provides new extra features which makes Windows Firewall better.It runs in the system tray and allows the user to control the native firewall easily without havingto waste time by navigating to the specific part of the firewall. This is the best tool to managethe native firewall from Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012. Windows Firewall Controloffers four filtering modes which can be switched with just a mouse click:

High Filtering - All outbound and inbound connections are blocked. This profile blocks all attempts to connect to and from your computer.

Medium Filtering - Outbound connections that do not match a rule are blocked. Only the programs that you allow can initiate outbound connections.

Low Filtering - Outbound connections that do not match a rule are allowed. The user can block the programs he doesn't want to allow initiating outbound connections.

No Filtering - Windows Firewall is turned off. Avoid using this setting unless you have another firewall running on your computer.

Windows Firewall Control doesn't do any packet filtering and does not block or allow any connection.This is done by Windows Firewall itself based on the existing firewall rules.

Windows Firewall Control is a powerful tool whichextends the functionality of Windows Firewall and providesquick access to the most frequent options of the WindowsFirewall. It runs in the system tray and allows user to controlthe native firewall easily without having to waste time bynavigating to the specific part of the firewall.

Download Windows Firewall Control


USB Flash Drives Control is a small and easy to use utilitythat runs in system tray, next to the system clock, and provides quickaccess to control the way in which USB flash drives are used on your computer. This tool offers access to few, but powerful, options that help you control how your USB removabledrives are used.

- Improved: Replaced WCF with gRPC for inter process communication.

- Improved: Global hotkey which can toggle between Low and Medium profiles can now toggle between all profiles.

- Improved: User settings are now applied per user account. Only the settings from the Security tab are still global per machine.

- Fixed: Secure Boot is not enabling High Filtering profile if wfc.exe is not running.

- Fixed: Installer does not work if there is a WCF related problem with .NET Framework installation.

- Fixed: After a failed policy import, notifications are not displayed anymore and a program restart is required to re-enable them.

- Fixed: Notification dialog becomes unresponsive if a program generates a lot of blocked connections.

- Fixed: WFC service fails to start if EventLog service is unavailable.

- Fixed: Shell Integration allows creating new firewall rules even if WFC is locked with a password.

Due to the fact that this build uses gRPC instead of WCF, the minimum required .NET Framework version is now 4.6.2 instead of 4.5.

Windows Firewall Control v.

Change log:

- Improved: When exporting rules, the sorting order and filters are now preserved in the exported wpw file. On import, you get back what was seen in Rules Panel at export time.

- Improved: The import and the export of the firewall rules are fully async now. This improves the UI responsiveness during these actions.

- Fixed: When duplicating multiple rules at once, they are created in the reversed order.

- Fixed: Authorized groups list has a display issue where it displays also the internal group names.

- Fixed: When creating a duplicate rule in the Rules Panel, the Please wait message remains displayed and Rules Panel needs to be closed and reopened.

- Fixed: Secure Rules disables custom groups names in the latest version.

Download location: 

SHA1: b1a241ddf22a84dab61981a8fe34b85aa65f49eb

SHA256: 81813cd194250c8b49d096ccd484c714ffa0fa5a56cec46b607c36878caaf613

I've been using since before it became part of Malwarebytes and it's awesome. Couldn't ask for a better piece of software. Nicely designed, non-invasive and the developer is very responsive to questions. @Porthos as far as "the need" it's to allow you to control outbound connections in the firewall and be notified, which normal windows firewall lacks badly. This software just adds that extra control over the existing windows firewall instead of having to install an entirely new firewall software. Windows firewall is very good as far as protection, just lacks certain basics. I use it constantly so there is definitely "a need". Biggest need number one is to control the biggest piece of spyware on your computer... WINDOWS. Secondly, if you have inadvertently installed a piece of malware on your computer, it may do damage locally, but firstly you'll be aware of it maybe a bit sooner because you'll get notifications that something is trying to connect outbound and it will be blocked. Secondly that it will not allow a connection to home base to try and download additional components or send your information to God knows who. Thirdly, it adds little things like context menu items where you can just click on a file and allow or block as opposed to having to open up windows firewall and adding manual entries. Fourthly, allows you to set profiles on the fly with a click in the system tray and finally allows you to review all connection attempts, inbound and outbound. It's good and I recommend to anyone just running windows firewall. I also recommend it to anyone that has installed a different firewall and are scratching their heads trying to figure out why is this so complex.

The programm is called "ProgressSheetUpdater.exe", so i rightclick the exe and click on "allow through windows firefall". But when i start the programm it just doesn't seem to get an connection, but the log file shows nothing about that programm beeing blocked. I can see the rule in the rules list.

If strict filtering is enabled it seems the Microsoft Store can't connect to the internet and no dialog is displayed to allow it through the firewall. Similarly Windows Updates also seem blocked, on Thursday I was wondering why I won't receive the new Insider Build, Windows Update only showed "You're up to date" with no error and no dialog to allow access. Only when I disabled strict filtering Windows Update updated as normal.

Now like said I'm just a casual home user but I still would like to learn how to properly handle these things since I often get asked by acquaintances to maintain their PCs and if someone actually requests a tighter firewall security one day I would have the needed knowledge already

How would I properly configure the Windows Firewall in the context of Windows Firewall Control to allow both the Windows Store and Windows Updates? Google sadly doesn't help much and mostly refers to third-party firewalls.

To turn it off, switch the setting to Off. Turning off Microsoft Defender Firewall could make your device (and network, if you have one) more vulnerable to unauthorized access. If there's an app you need to use that's being blocked, you can allow it through the firewall, instead of turning the firewall off.

The netsh advfirewall firewall command-line context is available in Windows Server 2012 R2. This context provides the functionality for controlling Windows Firewall behavior that was provided by the netsh firewall firewall context.

The netsh firewall command-line context might be deprecated in a future version of the Windows operating system. We recommend that you use the netsh advfirewall firewall context to control firewall behavior.

Some examples of frequently used commands are provided in the following tables. You can use these examples to help you migrate from the older netsh firewall context to the new netsh advfirewall firewall context. e24fc04721

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