Celtic legend is ripe with tales of people moving between the physical and faerie realms. With the passage of time it is now only our souls that can pierce this veil between worlds. This is because our souls are eternal, like the spiritual world, without beginning or end.

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This piece is part of a series of 40 plus monotypes I created, each inspired by nuances inspired by nature. Noticing the little things is a pleasure I have learned to appreciate and feel grateful to recognize. The subtleties we notice in ourselves, our reactions to our environment, and toward others are key to understanding or at least coming to terms with what is true for us. Our windows to the soul.

In my personal journey toward self discovery and healing, I havediscovered that my physical body was becoming a pathway to my soul, mytrue self. My body was a 'window' to show me my inner condition, if Ijust listened to it.

The symptom is in our body, we tell ourselves, and therefore separate from ourselves. But the symptom is not in our bodies, nor is it in our heads. The symptom is in our body-mind-soul. Our bodies and our minds and our souls are all one, and the body is the messenger.

The body is the messenger because the mind has failed to recognize the symptom as its own. The body then becomes a powerful tool to tell us our inner condition. This is what I call the Body Window. The Body Window is a way of using the body as a spiritual tool, by using the body as a window to our inner condition, our true selves, to our souls. The body is a window to the soul.

Our bodies give us information about our inner condition throughthe Body Window. The information seeps out, and we can choose to hearit or not. This information may take the form of great pain, as thebody screams at us that something is wrong, that there is body-mind-soulturmoil going on.

Our physical symptoms are giving us clues as to the areasin our lives that need attention. These clues come out in symbols, ormetaphors regarding our true body-mind-soul condition. The Body Window is the case of the itchy ears, (SeeNothing is Hidden).

We hide behind the "physical" aspect of our symptoms, fragmentingourselves, and believing that the symptoms are only physical, outside orexternal to us as a being. Then we fantasize about what will make uswell, instead of seeing ourselves as whole, with our body telling uswhat our minds cannot bear to know - that we could have actual healingthrough body-mind-soul awareness, through the Body Window.

If I say that the back represents support, in intuitive, body-mind-soul language, and back pain, especially lumbar (lower back) back pain, signifies a deep emotional response to a feeling of a lack of support, you might limit yourself in this belief. You could jump to label yourself as lacking in support from your significant other or something else, when instead your true self was trying to alert you to something entirely different.

If, however, we believe that we alone need to discover our truths and be open to what our symptoms are suggesting to us, I guarantee that the physical symptom or pain will lead you to a path of self-discovery, of discovery of your mind-body-soul. This is using your Body Window to its fullest extent.

Using your body, as a window to your true condition requires that you first trust yourself and your body to reveal that which you need to know, that which you think is hidden. You really can develop your intuition, or re-develop it with this trust, if you seek it. Your Body Window is always there waiting for you to listen to it!

If you use your body as a window to your soul, or your true self, you must trust in your own internal guidance to understand what your Body Window is telling you is really going on. You must discover your own truths, your own solutions to where your real issues lie.

If you choose instead, to move into the pain, and feel it deeply andask yourself what is the significance of the pain, you can discover whatis truly in your soul. You become open to your body's messages throughyour Body Window.

The way to understand and access your body as a window to your soul is through daily meditative practice, intuitive movement,or through partnering with bodywork specialists and spiritual guides, orbetter yet, a combination of them all.

If youbelieve that the Kingdom of God is within you, as Luke 17:20-21 teachesyou, and I do, then the journey is to go within to find your soul, tofind your true self. The Body Window gives you a way to do so.

Out of fear that the dead would be trapped inside the tavern, some believe the builders of the Plough Tavern incorporated a soul window into an external wall. If you visit, this is on Pershing Avenue, about waist height, and less than a square foot window in aged wood.

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We could all do with some regular time just daydreaming. It has enormous benefits, and not just for your mental health. I recall a story of a new CEO of a large organisation who was being shown around. He walked past one office where a man was seated at his desk with his feet up just looking out the window. When the new CEO walked past again a few days later, there was the man again, feet up and looking out the window. The CEO asked one of his executives if that guy in there ever does any work. He was quickly told that this guy was paid to do what he does and it was his ideas that had the made the company so successful.

Leaders need safe spaces as much as their staff. By providing this constructive space mentors can create a window to the soul of their leaders, who are the gatekeepers of organisational and system culture.

The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.

A Psalm of David. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. ...

How long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the day? How long shall my enemy be exalted over me? Consider and answer me, O Lord my God; light up my eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death,

The eye is the window of the soul, the mouth the door. The intellect, the will, are seen in the eye; the emotions, sensibilities, and affections, in the mouth. The animals look for man's intentions right into his eyes. Even a rat, when you hunt him and bring him to bay, looks you in the eye.

I have studied faces in family photos over the years and have been fascinated by the change in the countenance of children as they enter their teen years. The faces of youth often convey an innocent, unpretentious joy and sincerity; however, those same faces, with the passing of years, sometimes etch on their countenances an angry, rebellious, squint-eyed appearance. I have observed in those defiant eyes a hollow, desensitized soul that is frightening, cold, and tragic.

My father very sadly passed away very recently. I have heard of this tradition leaving a window open. The window in the hospital was only open 4-5 inches in height but wide from the bottom. Window behind my dads bed. It could not open anymore. I am worried as as only small opening to release his soul.

Please enlighten me.

When my mother took her last breath I clearly saw a white form leave her body through her mouth it came towards me and then moved away through the window the room became intensely cold when this happened. I found it very disturbing at the time. But I realise now it was her spirit leaving

As always DAC provided a wonderful canvas and drills. I loved how each window had it's own color scheme. Never once did I get bored with this canvas. Thanks for another great experience DAC, and please continue with this artist! 2351a5e196

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